ASU Transfer Times November 2022
National Transfer Week Recap
Session recordings for ASU employees
As ASU's National Transfer Week has come to a close, we'd like to send a very special thank you to all of our presenters and participants for making the event so special in support of transfer students. Over 500 participants attended 26 sessions, with presenters representing seven partnering community colleges, as well as many ASU employees. We could not have done this without your participation, and for that we thank you!
And if you missed any of the sessions or would like to watch one again, we invite you to check out the recorded webinars — and feel free to share these links with others at your institution. Now you can view all of the sessions on demand at a time convenient for you. Simply go to the registration page, click "Watch" and sign in to see the recorded session. You can also view over 20 community college sessions as well, so you're sure to find areas of interest and opportunities to learn more about supporting transfer students.
Session recordings will be available until the end of January 2023, so be sure to take a look at any webinars you may have missed!
Community college partnership announcements
ASU Academic Alliances works with community colleges across the country to facilitate solutions for student success and achieve partnership outcomes. The Universal Articulation partnership model continually strives to create partnerships and make technological advancements to support students on their college journey towards completing their bachelor's degree. Academic alignment, partner support, and a streamlined transfer experience are services delivered to assist students and the staff and faculty that support them.
We're excited to welcome the following institutions as newly signed partners for October:
Chaffey College, CA
Merced College, CA
Butler Community College, KS
Kentucky Community and Technical College System, KY
Metropolitan Community College, MO
Lane Community College, OR
Linn-Benton Community College, OR
Western Wyoming Community College, WY
Community colleges in the news
Arizona - Dr. Eric Heiser selected as sixth Coconino Community College president ... Read More
Maricopa - Dr. Richard C. Daniel named next president of South Mountain Community College ... Read More
National - Community colleges can help parents succeed by creating supportive, welcoming environments ... Read More
Digital resources: MyPath2ASU pathway brochures and more
ASU is proud to offer a multitude of digital resources for our transfer student population. Learn more about transferring to ASU with our MyPath2ASU pathway program, the American Indian support services available, Universal Learner courses, Barrett, The Honors College, and more. We invite you to take a look. Learn to thrive at ASU!
Salute to Service: Honoring our veterans
Salute to Service is a two-week celebration honoring military service members, first responders, and anyone who serves the community.
The campaign’s scope has expanded to include service beyond a military focus; this year the campaign has expanded to all areas of the university involved in service.
The Salute to Service timeframe also allows ASU to showcase the number of initiatives related to service that exist at ASU to both internal (ASU staff, faculty, and students) and external audiences (media, donors, and surrounding communities, among others).
We invite you to check out all of the events, service member highlights, and the resources available through the Pat Tillman Veteran’s Center. the ASU Alumni Veterans Chapter and the MyPath2ASU transfer program.
Transfer student, military veteran and Pathways for the Future scholar shares his journey to ASU
During ASU’s Salute to Service 2022, Pathways for the Future highlights Gil Ruiz, an out-of-state transfer student and military veteran. Gil is currently finishing his degree in Engineering at ASU, and he believes resources like the Pathways for the Future and MyPath2ASU program have helped him reach this point by enabling him to spend more time pursuing his education and building a professional network.
ASU Transfer students and former military service members like Gil are finding that ASU’s Pathways for the Future scholarship provides more than just financial assistance. Pathways and MyPath2ASU offer comprehensive support to students looking to transfer to ASU, wherever they may be in their academic journey.
“These days people find it difficult to find the right resources for school, especially veterans,” says Gil. “At ASU, I've never had to struggle with that. That's made life so much easier.”
We invite you to read more and watch this video about Gil's ASU transfer experience.
For more information, visit academicalliances.asu.edu.