MyPath2ASU™ Technology Update
This month we’re excited about a technology update made to the MyPath2ASU™ learner experience. Please enjoy the new layout for transfer maps sequenced by term and by course to support students with preparation, connected engagement, and transfer success. The enhanced look and feel of our sequenced term-by-term major maps is a digital academic planning solution to assist students in taking the required courses at their current institution for their ASU bachelor’s degree. MyPath2ASU™ impacts the entire lifecycle of a student’s college experience and enables them to design the transfer experience on day one of their college journey.
Students can choose from 400 online or on-ground degree programs that now have an enhanced linear visualization of the core courses to take for their ASU degree -- as we strive to take the guesswork out of transfer and to maximize their time, money and course maximization at both institutions. The enhanced sequenced by term user experience is a solution to assist with barriers that our students and partnering institutions face when planning for a seamless transfer to ASU.
See for yourself!
Introducing the New Director of Trusted Learning Partnerships
Annique Petit
Drawing upon her 20 years of higher education administration experience, Annique implements strategies and works with community colleges for ASU’s innovative Trusted Learning Network (TLN) for transfer students. Annique also will also be overseeing Arizona strategy for Academic Alliances. In her role, she leverages her experience and passion for leading and teaching at community colleges to realize expanded opportunities for transfer students nation-wide to attend ASU through the TLN.
Annique earned her master’s degree from the University of Denver in International and Intercultural Communication and is a world traveler. Originally from Upstate/Western New York, she has lived in four countries and explored 35 more; she enjoys sharing her world experience to create opportunities for students to succeed. We are very excited to welcome Annique to the team!
MyPath2ASU™ Workshops
If your students are just starting out on their college journey or preparing to transfer, MyPath2ASU™ is a set of customized tools to assist in helping them plan their seamless college experience.
We invite transfer students to join the virtual MyPath2ASU™ workshops that are hosted by ASU transfer student ambassadors. In the interactive session, transfer students from ASU will navigate the MyPath2ASU™ experience; students can ask questions, connect with other transfer students, and start their seamless college journey to ASU.
Did you know MyPath2ASU™ students can even apply to ASU up to a year ahead of their intended transfer? Applying early further provides the support and excitement your students will experience as they continue on their journey to ASU.
Thank you for sharing MyPath2ASU™ workshop registration information with your students.
Admission Services Live Hosted Virtual Experiences
As you start back to school in a variety of formats, Arizona State University is here to share our admission teams’ virtual offerings to keep you and your students engaged and connected in this new wave of recruitment and outreach. We are expanding our virtual ASU information programs to six days a week, taking into account multiple time zones and students’ virtual school schedules in order to best serve your students.
We know this virtual resource menu may be great for some, but others may still have questions. We will work with you to make sure your students have access to us so they can successfully apply for admission and financial aid for spring or fall 2021 term and beyond. Our virtual programming offers students opportunities to interact with admission representatives as well as other partners throughout the university, so students can understand how ASU is a catalyst to help them pursue their dreams and passions.
We invite you to encourage your students to connect with their ASU admission representative to learn more about ASU through any of the options listed below.
One-on-one Virtual Appointments
Your students can meet with their designated admission representative for a personal virtual session where they can get answers to their questions about ASU. We’ve held more than 4,000 of these individualized appointments with students and their families since March 16, 2020.
Live-hosted Experience ASU and Transfer Fridays
In March, we adapted our on-campus tour program, Experience ASU, into a live-hosted virtual experience offered Monday through Saturday. As we begin the fall semester, we will continue to host programming Monday through Friday and Saturday mornings to make sure your students have the ability to participate without missing classes. These live-hosted events allow students and families to customize their experiences to match their needs. Programming content includes information about admission, financial aid, and academic programs, as well as a live-hosted panel with student ambassadors from each campus location. The session on Fridays is specific to transfer students.
Transfer Application Workshops
Over the summer, a team of our admission coordinators created our Virtual Application Workshops and we are excited to be offering these throughout the fall semester. One thing we learned over the summer is that it often takes more than one person to host a successful virtual program, and we can ensure that we have a team ready to assist students with their applications.
More to Explore
We were excited by the success of More to Explore, our virtual visit event this summer where we offered more than 200 sessions. Due to the overwhelming response from students, we are adding programs from Sept. 20 through Sept. 26 and again in late October for National Transfer Week. More to Explore is an in-depth opportunity to learn about a variety of different topics at the university. Continue to check the website for updates as to when registration opens.
ASU Academic Alliances Social Media
The Academic Alliances team invites you to stay connected with us on social media. We have launched four new social channels for our department where we’ll offer news and updates on transfer at ASU and our Universal Articulation partnership model including video, articles, and other topics that you may find helpful as you plan your future.
Please take a moment right now and visit our pages and click “Like” or “Follow”. We look forward to bringing you great information and keeping connected on transfer matters.
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Thank you for all you do to assist students in transferring to ASU.
Arizona State University welcomes and values the diversity and life experiences of transfer students. We offer hundreds of degree programs and a comprehensive, responsive network of academic, financial and social opportunities designed for the success of all students. Transfer students come to ASU with a wide range of goals and aspirations. ASU provides the tools that allow each transfer student to explore pathways to and through the university, toward personal and professional fulfillment.