Information for Academic Advisors
eAdvisor and Major Maps
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 12pm
Enrolled students with fewer than 45 completed hours and a remaining S67 (twice off-track hold) from fall 2020 have had their major administratively changed to Exploratory by CISA (Tempe, Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix) or NCIAS (West). Enrolled students with 45 or more hours, who still have a remaining S67 on January 21, will be administratively changed to an appropriate major within CISA and NCIAS.
Changes to major maps can only occur during the annual catalog review cycle. Please contact your Catalog Coordinator for more information.
Critical tracking is intended for students who are attending college for the first time. The current criteria for this population are undergraduate ground (non-ASU Online) students who have either graduated high school within the last academic year OR students who graduated high school prior to the most recent academic year but have transferred in less than 12 credit hours.
As of August 1, 2014, ASU Online students with a catalog year of 2014-2015 and forward will see My Major Map on MyASU. This provides a similar student view with regards to course completion but does not include the tracking elements.
The critical tracking population contains approximately over 30,000 students. Of this population, eAdvisor holds may be applied to current critical tracking students who also:
- Started the semester enrolled in 12 or more hours and
- Are currently active in a program and
- Are not disqualified or ineligible and
- Are not currently in Track Term 0 and
- Are not a University College student (for twice off track holds/emails only)
As of August 1, 2014, ASU Online Students with a catalog year of 2014-2015 and forward will see My Major Map on MyASU. This provides a similar student view with regards to course completion but does not include the tracking elements.
If an evaluation is requested and returns with an "Unsuccessful" message, please try a second attempt. If the evaluation still does not complete, use the Email Feedback link on the Advisor Tracking Tool pages to create a Service Now case. There are times when an evaluation may not run and investigation is needed. The Email Feedback link will contact the appropriate support personnel.
If a student registers for classes before all their transfer hours have been posted in PeopleSoft, they will be included in a critical tracking student group. If additional hours were taken prior to their 1st semester at ASU, but do not get posted until a later date, they will then be inactivated from critical tracking when the additional hours are posted in the PeopleSoft system.
- Learn more about eAdvisor and Critical Tracking
- eAdvisor Flowchart for Critical Tracking Holds
- Advisor Tracking Tool Business Process Guide (updated 2013)
- Build a Major Map Training Guide and Videos
Academic Advisors can email:
BAMM questions: majormaps@asu.edu
eAdvisor and Critical Tracking: eAdvisor@asu.edu