Animal Users Advisory Committee
Stephen Helms-Tillery, Biological and Health Systems EngineeringThe role of the Animal Users Advisory Committee (AUAC) is to enhance communication between the investigators and the three branches of the ASU Animal Use Program -- the Department of Animal Care and Technologies (DACT), the University Veterinarian, and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The committee will advise the Executive Vice President for the Knowledge Enterprise (KE). The mission of AUAC is to help develop an animal use program that effectively and efficiently provides client services to the investigators and thus maximizes research potential. The committee is appointed by and responsible to the Vice President of Research for Knowledge Enterprise who serves as the Institutional Official.
- Yung Chang, Life Sciences and Biodesign
- Bertram Jacobs, Life Sciences and Biodesign
- Jason Newbern, Life Sciences
- Yi Zhou, Health Solutions
- Jeffery Kordower, Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center
- Shu Wang, Health Solutions
- Page Baluch, Life Sciences
- Sarah Polekoff, Life Sciences (Graduate Student)
- Karen Kibler, Biodesign, IACUC Chair
- Dale DeNardo, Knowledge Enterprise, Animal Care Program Director, and Attending Veterinarian
- James Badman, Animal Care Program
- Nancy Henderson, Research Integrity and Assurance
- Samantha Sullivan, Research Integrity and Assurance
- Nicole Shepherd, Research Integrity and Assurance
Ex officio:
- Matthew Hulver, Vice President of Research, Knowledge Enterprise
- Debra Murphy, Director, Knowledge Enterprise Operations