Out of focus image of three people talking


Student Media Advisory Board


Adam Kress, Honeywell, Inc. (professional representative)

The role of the Student Media Advisory Board at Arizona State University is to select the student leaders responsible for editorial content within the university’s official student run media organizations, The State Press and Blaze Radio, and to assist and advise those student leaders, and the office of Educational Outreach and Student Services (EOSS) in overseeing the operations of Student Media.  The authority of the board is derived from a delegation of responsibility by the Office of the President. The board is overseen by the senior vice president for educational outreach and student services. Under the board’s bylaws, student leadership maintains independent control of and responsibility for all content produced and published.

Members of the board include the dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication or a representative, and the senior vice president for Educational Outreach and Student Services or a representative. Two journalism faculty members also serve on the board, as well as four professionals with backgrounds in journalism, media, communications, or business.

A student representative, not otherwise affiliated with Student Media, serves on the board.  Ex officio or non-voting members of the board include the newsroom advisor and the current State Press and Blaze Radio student leadership (executive editor, editor-in-chief, multimedia editor, magazine editor, station manager, programming director, and production director).

  • Tom Blodgett, The Arizona Republic (faculty advisor, ex officio)
  • Jessica Pucci, School of Journalism & Mass Communication (dean's office representative)
  • Julia Thompson, School of Journalism & Mass Communication (faculty member)
  • Jason Manning, Educational Outreach & Student Services (EOSS VP representative)
  • Rodmanned Nikpour, School of Journalism & Mass Communication (faculty member)
  • Darren Urban, Arizona Cardinals (professional representative)
  • Nicole Tassinari, Kaplan College (professional representative)
  • Ryan Burch, Tobie Group (professional representative)
  • Adam Kress, Honeywell, Inc. (professional representative)


Student members:

  • Alexis Heichman, Executive Editor, State Press
  • Alysa Horton, Editor-in-Chief, State Press
  • Savannah Dagupion, Magazine Editor, State Press
  • Morgan Kubasko, Multimedia Editor, State Press
  • Ryan Sykora, Station Manager, Blaze Radio
  • Italia Caro, Production Director, Blaze Radio
  • Grace Del Pizzo, Program Director, Blaze Radio
  • TBD Student Body Board Rep