Curriculum development
August 20, 2009
Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)
Tempe campus: Interdisciplinary B 365
1:30 - 3 p.m.
Video Conferencing Locations:
Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317
Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147
West campus: FAB 301 G *
*FAB B 12 (West campus meeting room change for August 20, 2009)
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes May 6, 2009
- Old Business
- New Business
Action Items:
Curriculum Proposals
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Transfer of a Minor
From the Department of Physics
To the School of Earth and Space Exploration
College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Disestablishment of an undergraduate concentration
BAE Secondary Education (Chicano/a)
College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Disestablishment of an undergraduate concentration
BAE Elementary Education (Indigenous Teacher Program)
New Course Proposals
The following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system http://az.transfer.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/acres .
- Under FEATURES, click on the CAPC Date Query link.
- Click on the date of the next CAPC meeting.
- Sort the records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.
- Click the View link next to course to review and submit comments
D DNP 704 Understanding and Applying Principles of Evidence-Based Care in Advanced Practice
D DNP 708 Systems Thinking in a Complex Environment
D DNP 709 Individual and Innovation Leadership in Practice
D DNP 711 Healthcare Policy and Innovation
D IBC 604 Clinical Medicine/Pathophysiology
D IBC 704 Evidence-based Behavioral Interventions I: Core Skills
D URB 406 Public Administration and Community Development
E EXW 335 Physical Activity and Fitness Concepts
M ECN 345 Survey of Environmental and Resource Economics
M ECN 445 Environmental Economics
M MUE 501 Introduction to Professional Music Therapy
M MUE 567 Professional Practicum I
M MUE 569 Professional Practicum II
M RDG 634 Technoliteracies