Curriculum development
January 22, 2009
AgendaCurriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC) Computing Commons – room 123Video Conferencing Locations: Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317 Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147 West campus: FAB N 301G (recently renamed FAB 302)Call to OrderApproval of Minutes December 4, 2008Old BusinessCON 554 Trenchless Construction MethodsDCI 704 Adult Learning Theory and PracticeNAN 506 Innovation and IP Management REL 395 Religion and PsychologyNew BusinessAction Items:Curriculum Proposals College of Liberal Arts and Sciences American Indian studies Disestablishment of an Undergraduate Certificate American Indian StudiesNew Course ProposalsThe following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system http://az.transfer.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/acres.Note: CAPC members- You can now query the new courses scheduled for the next CAPC meeting.Follow the steps below to view the list of courses waiting for your review and comment.Under FEATURES, click on Custom Form Query link.Click on New Course Curriculum Form link.Click on CAPC date link (at end of list).Type in CAPC date (format: mm/dd/yyyy). CAPC dates can be found in Agendas.Click “Query” button.Sort records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary ” in the header.Click View link next to course to review and submit comments.ACC 512 Advanced AuditingACC 513 Advanced Financial Accounting ASB 570 Immigration to the U.S. CRJ 607 Advanced Topics in Policing CRJ 611 Advanced Topics in Crime and Victimization EXW 645 Biostatistics in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness EXW 701 Research Methods for Community-Based Interventions HPS 610 HPS Lab 1 INT 512 Decorative Arts in Historic Interiors: A Thematic Overview INT 513 Textiles in Historic Interiors: Appearance, Function, Symbolism MAE 574 Fluid Transport in Macro/ Nanoscale Devices NAN 564 Bionanotechnology NTR 537 Evidenced-Based Nutrition PAF 604 Foundations of Public Administration II PAF 610 Advanced Qualitative Methods for Public Affairs Research PUP 585 International Field Studies in Planning PUP 516 International City Design SGS 344 Facing the Past: Truth, Memory, Denial After Atrocities 5. Adjourn