Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)

March 5, 2009

AgendaCurriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC) 3:30 - 5 p.m. Computing Commons – room 123Video Conferencing Locations: Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317 Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147West campus: FAB N 301G (recently renamed FAB 302)Call to OrderApproval of Minutes February 12, 2009Old BusinessCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesFilm and Media StudiesEstablishment of a new graduate degreeMaster of Advanced Study in American Media and Popular CultureEstablishment of a new graduate degree Master of Advanced Study in ScreenwritingCourses (Old Business):AML   406 Directed Reading and Research in Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social SciencesASB   570 Immigration to the U.S.PUP   324 Statistics for Planners-WITHDRAWN PER UNITNew BusinessAction Items:Curriculum ProposalsSchool of Letters and Sciences Establishment of a new undergraduate Degree Bachelor of General Studies (BGS)  New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Division of Social and Behavioral Science Establishment of a new Graduate Degree Master of Science in Psychology New Course ProposalsThe following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system . Note: CAPC members- You can now query the new courses scheduled for the next CAPC meeting.Follow the steps below to view the list of courses waiting for your review and comment.Under FEATURES, click on the CAPC Date Query link.Click on the date of the next CAPC meeting.Sort the records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.Click the View link next to course to review and submit comments. CHI 120   Introduction to Chinese CultureCHI 401   Fourth-year Chinese I CHI 402   Fourth-year Chinese II CHI 450   Classical Prose CHI 461   Classical Vernacular Performance Literature CHI 462   Readings in Traditional Xiaoshuo CHI 470   Modern Chinese Literature and Culture CHI 482   History of the Chinese Language DCE 113   Dances of Africa 1 DCE 120   Modern Dance 1 DCE 121   Ballet 1 DCE 130   First-Year Movement Practices 1 DCE 170   First-Year Seminar 1 DCE 220   Modern Dance 2 DCE 221   Ballet 2 ECD 415   Practicum - Literacy Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, K-3 ENG 288   Beginning Creative Writing Workshop in Fiction ENG 388   Intermediate Creative Writing Workshop in Fiction ENG 488   Advanced Creative Writing Workshop in Fiction ENG 491   Literary Forms: Theory and Practice in Fiction EXW 322   Spa Management 1 INT 415   Latin American Design ITA 480   Translation Theory and Practice JUS 207   Homicide and Serial Killers JUS 214   Justice Institutions JUS 332   Politics of Energy Policy and Justice JUS 352   The Global Politics of Human Rights JUS 374   The Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights JUS 382   Justice and Pop Culture JUS 432   Racial Justice JUS 438   Human Differences: Dilemmas of Justice JUS 452   Justice Issues in Israel and Palestine: The Political is Personal JUS  222   Drugs and Justice MAE 480   Space Systems Design SGS 304   Professional Global Career Development SGS 311   Urbanization in China SPE 316   Introduction to Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments-WITHDRAWN PER UNIT UNI 110   Critical Reading and Thinking UNI 150   Major and Career Exploration UNI 250   Choosing a Major5. Adjurn