Curriculum development
November 18, 2010
Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)
Tempe campus: Interdisciplinary B 365
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Video Conferencing Locations:
Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317
Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147
West campus: FAB 302
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes October 28, 2010
- Old Business
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Establishment of a graduate degree
Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Construction Engineering
Learning Outcomes (Addendum)
D BMI 570 BMI Symposium
M ASB 478 Migration and Society
M INT 262 Interior Design Studio II: Hospitality
4. New Business
Action Items:
Curriculum Proposals
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Establishment of a Minor
Digital Culture
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Establishment of an undergraduate Certificate
Digital Culture
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Life Sciences
Rename of an undergraduate concentration
From: BS in Biological Sciences (Biology and Ecological Sustainability)
To: BS in Biological Sciences (Conservation Biology and Ecology)
New Course Proposals
The following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system.
- Under FEATURES- click on the "Query Forms"
- In the summary box type: *11/18/2010
- Change filter drop box: "All forms"
- Sort the records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.
- Click the View link next to course to review and submit comments
D CRJ 225 Introduction to Criminology
D CRJ 308 Advanced Criminological Theory
D IBC 610 Behavioral and Psychological Assessment in Primary Care
D IBC 708 Evidence-based Behavioral Intervention III
D PAF 470 Topics in Public Economics and Financial Management
D PAF 471 Public Policy Analysis
E SMC 520 Methods and Tools in Applied Cognitive Science
E SMC 521 Methods and Tools in Simulation and Modeling
E SMC 540 Foundations of Applied Cognitive Science
E SMC 541 Foundations of Simulation and Modeling
M ARS 535 British Culture and Empire
M BIO 549 Phylogenetic Biology and Analysis
M GPH 570 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science
M PUP 570 GIS for Planners
5. Adjourn