Curriculum development
October 2, 2008
AgendaCurriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)October 2, 2008, 3:30 - 5 p.m.Computing Common, room 123Action Items:Curriculum ProposalsCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesDisestablishment of an academic unitDepartment of Mathematics and StatisticsCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesEstablishment of an academic unitSchool of Mathematical and Statistical SciencesCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesEstablishment of a minorRomanianNew Course ProposalsThe following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system http://az.transfer.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/acresW. P. Carey School of BusinessHSM 578 Managing Clinical TrialsWPC 302 Honors Professional DevelopmentMary Lou Fulton College of EducationDCI 451 Design Research and Educational Gaming PracticumRDG 440 Computer Gaming, Learning and LiteracyIra A. Fulton School of EngineeringCON 100 Introduction to ConstructionCSE 522 Real-time Embedded SystemsCSE 530 Embedded Operating System InternalsCSE 552 Randomized and Approximation AlgorithmsIEE 620 Optimization IIEE 670 Mathematical StatisticsNew College of Interdisciplinary Arts and SciencesIAP 202 Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Arts and PerformanceJHR 525 Action Research in Social Justice and Human RightsJHR 511 Community-Embedded Seminar in Social Justice and Human RightsWalter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass CommunicationJMC 473 The Business and Future of JournalismJMC 478 Cronkite News ServiceCollege of Liberal Arts and SciencesCHI 380 The Chinese LanguagePHY 542 Topics in BiophysicsPHY 544 Introduction to NanosciencePHY 546 Surfaces and Thin FilmsREL 461 Different Voices within Contemporary Islamic DiscourseROM 411 Advanced Spoken and Written Romanian IROM 412 Advanced Spoken and Written Romanian IICollege of Technology and InnovationEST 200 Project LabEST 345 Planning and Delivering EngineeringEST 370 Sensors