Jennifer Broatch
2023 Provost Teaching Award
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Broatch is an associate professor in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Recognizing that the pedagogy of statistics education has not kept pace with the role and impact of statistics in society, she has focused her career on changing the landscape of modern statistics education. Rooted in a firm belief that all students have the potential to learn relevant statistics if given the appropriate support, she has developed innovative curricula that promote student success through a range of instructional strategies and inclusive practice activities, including supporting student collaboration with industry partners in the context of their senior capstone experience. These efforts have not only led to her students’ success, but have resulted in peer-reviewed, open-source materials that have been identified as the best introductory statistics curriculum for the modern student by Lumen Learning. Broatch has secured external funding for curriculum development to support the future STEM workforce from the National Science Foundation, serves on national boards related to the advancement of undergraduate statistics education, and regularly publishes and presents with her students on data science pedagogy and experiential learning.