Curriculum development
September 17, 2009
Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)
Tempe campus: Interdisciplinary B 365
1:30 - 3 p.m.
Video Conferencing Locations:
Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317
Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147
West campus: FAB N 301G (recently renamed FAB 302)
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes September 3, 2009
- Old Business
M RDG 634 Technoliteracies - New Business
Action Items:
Curriculum Proposals
W. P. Carey School of Business
Disestablishment on an undergraduate certificate
Quality Analysis
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
School of Design Innovation - REMOVE FROM CAPC AGENDA
Establishment of a graduate degree program
Master of Healthcare Environmental Design (MHED)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a graduate concentration
Master of Arts in Music (Music Theory)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a graduate concentration
Master of Music in Performance (Music Theatre/Opera Musical Direction)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a graduate concentration
Master of Music in Music Education (Choral Music)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a graduate concentration
Master of Music in Music Education (Instrumental Music)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a graduate concentration
Master of Music in Music Education (Jazz Studies)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a graduate concentration
Master of Music in Music Education (General Music)
School of Music
Disestablishment of a Post-Bachelor's certificate
Artist Diploma
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Social Transformation
Establishment of a new undergraduate certificate
Socio-Legal Studies
College of Public Programs
School of Community Resources and Development
Disestablishment of an undergraduate program
BS in Recreation and Tourism Management
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Establishment of a minor
Criminology and Criminal Justice
College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation
Establishment of a graduate certificate
Online Teaching for Grades K-12
New Course Proposals
The following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system http://az.transfer.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/acres .
- Under FEATURES, click on the CAPC Date Query link.
- Click on the date of the next CAPC meeting.
- Sort the records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.
- Click the View link next to course to review and submit comments
D BIS 300 Theories and Applications of Organizational Studies
D BIS 350 Diversity and Organizations
D BIS 370 Dimensions of Liberal Studies
D BIS 470 Liberal Studies Seminar
M LAW 626 Advanced Legal Writing
M LAW 634 Intensive Legal Research and Writing
M LAW 644 Contract Drafting and Negotiating
W BLE 510 Foundations of Structured English Immersion