Curriculum development
September 9, 2010
Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)
Tempe campus: Interdisciplinary B 365
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Video Conferencing Locations:
Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317
Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147
West campus: FAB 302
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes August 26, 2010
- Old Business
MDL 420 Advanced Clinical Urinalysis and Body Fluids
MDL 430 Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis
MDL 440 Advanced Immunohematology and Immunology
PSY 526 Neuroanatomy - New Business
Action Items:
Curriculum Proposals
College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Disestablishment of an undergraduate concentration
BAS in Exercise and Wellness (Exercise and Wellness)
College of Technology and Innovation
Applied Psychology Program and Dept. of Engineering
Establishment of a graduate degree
PhD in Simulation, Modeling and Applied Cognitive Science
New Course Proposals
The following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system
- Under FEATURES, click on the CAPC Date Query link.
- Click on the date of the next CAPC meeting.
- Sort the records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.
- Click the View link next to course to review and submit comments
BMI 550 Translational Bioinformatics
BMI 570 BMI Symposium
MDL 410 Laboratory Leadership
PAF 302 Public Sector Research
USL 410 Service Learning: Independent Placement
EXW 535 Advanced Exercise Assessment and Prescription
AFH 336 African Art
AFS 302 History of Black Women in America
ASB 554 Andean Archaeology
ASM 300 Anthropological Sciences Seminar
HPS 313 Probability, Evidence, and Decision
HST 111 Introduction to Asia
INT 323 Computer-Aided Design for Design Studies
JUS 370 Cultural Diversity and Justice
MAT 429 Optimization
POS 561 Critical International Relations
5. Adjourn