Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

GSC Thursday, December 5, 2024


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Zoom URL:

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes - October 31st, 2024

3. Announcements

4. Old and New Business

5. Subcommittee Reports

A. American Institutions (AMIT)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
THP 394 Theatre and U.S. Democracy (Topic)

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
MVS 100 Introduction to Military Studies
MVS 403 American Military Leadership

B. Global Communities, Societies, and Individuals (GCSI)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
ASB 311 Principles of Social Anthropology
ASB 357 Society, Drugs and Health
CHI 394 I Know Kung-fu: Chinese Martial Arts Literature and Film (Topic)
PAX 230 Introduction to Peace Studies
SEA 202 Ocean Communities: Introduction to Ethnobotany
SLC 429 Politics and Culture in European Short Fiction (Topic)

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
ENG 466 French New Wave (Topic)

C. Governance and Civic Engagement (CIVI)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
ASB 202 Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.
JHR 100 Introduction to Social Justice & Human Rights
OGL 200 Introduction to Organizational Leadership
REL 396 Islam and Politics

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
ENV 200 Introduction to Justice in the Environment

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
UNI 110 Critical Reading and Thinking

D. Humanities, Arts and Design (HUAD)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
ABS 302 Ethical and Policy Issues in Biology
CEL 100 Great Ideas of Politics and Ethics
ENG 206 Introduction to Literary Studies
ENG 350 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: Then and Now (Topic)
GER 494 Reading, Looking, and Walking with Walter Benjamin (Topic)
IAP 101 Art, Artist, and Culture
POR 460 Brazilian Society Through Music
REL 101 Religion, Culture and Public Life
REL 413 Sacred Crimes: Religion and Violence
SLC 294 Vietnam Beyond the War (Topic)
STS 203 Animals, Technology, and Society
SWU 306 Ethics in Social Services
THE 394 The History of Underwear (Topic)
THE 431 History of Fashion II: 20th-Century Fashion
THP 351 Arts Management

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
IDS 310 Integrative Performance (Topic)

E. Mathematics (MATH)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
MAT 114 College Mathematics
MAT 117 College Algebra
MAT 170 Precalculus
MAT 210 Brief Calculus
MAT 265 Calculus for Engineers I

F. Quantitative Reasoning (QTRS)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
IEE 475 Simulating Stochastic Systems
SEA 330 Digital Blue Planet
SSP 275 Fundamentals of Sports Science
STP 226 Elements of Statistics

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
CSE 205 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
DSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
CSE 110 Principles of Programming in Java
DCE 240 Media for Dance
EDT 180 Technology Literacy: Problem Solving using Digital Technology Applications

G. Scientific Thinking in Natural Sciences (SCIT)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
CAS 200 The Evolution of Complexity

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
SCN 208 Nature and Society: An Introduction to Environmental Studies

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
FSH 200 Textiles Science Lab / FSH 201 Textiles Science

H. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SOBE)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
AME 394 Gender, Technology and Design (Topic)
COM 415 Risk Communication
ECN 211 Macroeconomic Principles
ECN 212 Microeconomic Principles
OGL 220 Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations
SPA 315 Advanced Spanish I for Bilinguals

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology

I. Sustainability (SUST)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
BMY 304 The Practice of Biomimicry
SCN 307 Biomimicry: Nature's Sustainable Solutions

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
ABS 494 Urban Wildlife Ecology (Topic)
FSH 360 Sustainable Systems in Fashion

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
HST 345 Environmental History
POR 490 Consumer Culture in Latin America

6. Discussion

7. Adjournment