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ASU undergraduate general studies
In addition to preparing students for careers and advanced study, an asssociate or baccalaureate education should prepare students for satisfying personal, social and civic lives. Students should both acquire a depth of knowledge in a particular academic or professional discipline and also be broadly educated, with knowledge of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to address an array of questions. They should develop the general intellectual skills required to continue learning throughout their lives. The ASU general studies requirements complement the undergraduate major by developing critical learning skills, investigating the traditional branches of knowledge, and introducing students to approaches applicable to addressing contemporary challenges.
More information on the university general studies requirement may be found here.
General Studies Council
The General Studies Council is a standing committee created by the Faculty Senate in 1985 as the decision-making council for the implementation and development of the comprehensive General Studies program of courses required of all ASU undergraduate students. The council, which is advisory to the Provost and University Senate, prepares and maintains the General Studies list of courses.
The General Studies Council approves and disapproves proposals submitted for General Studies designations for courses, and undertakes reviews of approved courses on a regular basis to assure their continued adherence to approved General Studies criteria.
- University General Studies Council committee members
- University General Studies Council Policies and Procedures - Update Coming Soon
- University General Studies Council Bylaws (PDF)
- List of ASU Courses and Topics Approved for General Studies
- Topics and General Studies (PDF)