Curriculum development
GSC Thursday, October 3, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Zoom URL:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - September 5, 2024
3. Announcements
4. Old and New Business
5. Subcommittee Reports
A. American Institutions (AMIT)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
REL 294 Religious Freedom (Topic)
Recommended for denial:
From ASU:
HCD 420 Population Health Management
PHI 406 Moral Dilemmas
B. Global Communities, Societies, and Individuals (GCSI)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
CHI 434 Buddhist Poetry
DCE 201 Dance, Culture, and Global Contexts
HST 435 Russian Empire: From Ivan the Terrible to 1917
IAP 220 Games, Culture and Aesthetics
LAS 449 Latin American Cinema: The Dead and the Disappeared
MHL 140 Sounds and Cultures
POR 472 Transatlantic Encounter: Brazil and Portugal
REL 260 Introduction to Islam
TGM 468 States and Markets in a Global Economy
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ASB 311 Principles of Social Anthropology
CTE 110 Introduction to Culture, Technology and Environment
PAX 230 Introduction to Peace Studies
C. Governance and Civic Engagement (CIVI)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 272 Economic Justice
POS 210 Political Ideologies
SLC 394 Culture, Engagement & Future of Global Citizenship (Topic)
SPE 223 Intersection of Society, Disabilities and Inclusion
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
REL 396 Islam and Politics
D. Humanities, Arts and Design (HUAD)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 223 Aztecs, Incas and Mayas
ASL 410 Deaf Culture
CAP 394 Expressive Therapies for Counseling (Topic)
DCE 203 The Walking Body
DCE 301 Dance Analysis and Theory
ENG 317 Cross-Cultural Writing
ENG 343 Crime: Film and Short Stories
ENG 420 Multicultural Autobiographies
HST 360 Crusades and Holy Wars
HUL 494 Humanizing Digital Culture (Topic)
JUS 437 The Social Construction of Disability and Justice
LAS 340 Latin American Women Writers
MHL 365 Popular Music and Race
MHL 368 US Popular Music: Industry, Technology and Culture
MHL 394 Global Popular Music: Appropriation and Hybridity (Topic)
MHL 394 Music in the Middle East (Topic)
PHI 417 Philosophy of Censorship
PRM 294 The Arizona Bucket List (Topic)
REL 100 Religions of the World
REL 365 Islamic Civilization
REL 401 Sacred Scriptures and Social Choices
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ENG 433 Literary Magazine Publishing: Canyon Voices
REL 101 Religion, Culture and Public Life
SWU 306 Ethics in Social Services
E. Mathematics (MATH)
No submissions.
F. Quantitative Reasoning (QTRS)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
CAP 290 Research Methods in Counseling and Psychology
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
DSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling
MSC 115 Music Production Fundamentals
SEA 330 Digital Blue Planet
G. Scientific Thinking in Natural Sciences (SCIT)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
BIO 160 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
FSH 200 Textiles Science Lab / FSH 201 Textiles Science
H. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SOBE)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
CEL 352 Debating Capitalism
PSY 215 Psychology of Work
SBS 301 Cultural Diversity
SLC 212 Language and Culture Clash
SPA 194 Hispanic/Latino/a/x Cultures in the United States (Topic)
SWU 250 Stress Management Tools I
SWU 394 The Drug Overdose Crisis in the United States (Topic)
WST 428 Gender, Madness and Justice
WST 433 Race and Sexualities in Social Justice Movements
WST 444 Gender, Health, and Bodies
I. Sustainability (SUST)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
CGF 110 Resilient American Futures: An Academic Road Trip
CGF 194 Global Futures: Shaping Tomorrow, Today (Topic)
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ABS 494 Urban Wildlife Ecology (Topic)
ASB 327 Disaster!
PHI 409 Eco-Community Ethics
SLC 494 Ecocultures and Globalization (Topic)
WST 469 Abject Bodies and the Politics of Trash
6. Discussion
7. Adjournment