Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

GSC Thursday, October 31, 2024


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Zoom URL:

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes - October 3rd, 2024

3. Announcements

4. Old and New Business

5. Subcommittee Reports

A. American Institutions (AMIT)

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
THP 394 Theatre and U.S. Democracy (Topic)

B. Global Communities, Societies, and Individuals (GCSI)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
CEL 394 Latin American Political Thought (Topic)
MKT 425 Global Marketing Management

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
ASB 357 Society, Drugs and Health
HST 302 Global History of Fascism (Topic)

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
OGL 350 Diversity and Organizations
SCN 302 Environmental Education: A Global Perspective

C. Governance and Civic Engagement (CIVI)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
EXW 450 Social Equity and Health
RTH 250 Therapeutic Recreation and Community Health

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
DST 458 Disability and Communication Advocacy

D. Humanities, Arts and Design (HUAD)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
BLE 220 Foundations of Structured English Immersion
COM 342 Oral History and Storytelling
COM 467 Digital Rhetoric
DSC 101 Design Awareness
ENG 353 African American Literature: Beginnings through the Harlem Renaissance
FMS 200 Film and Media History
HEB 348 Israeli Society and Culture
HST 355 Total War and the Crisis of Modernity
LST 470 The Art and Science of Happiness (Topic)
MUS 194 Non-Majors Beg. Class Guitar I (Topic)
SLC 294 Language, Ecology and Global Future (Topic)
SLC 429 What is Europe? (Topic)
SLC 494 Empire and the Making of Modern Europe (Topic)
SPA 416 Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition for Spanish Heritage Learners
STS 303 History of Modern Science and Technology
TEL 111 Exploration of Education
THE 494 Behind the Magic: Disney's Cultural Impact (Topic)

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
CHI 294 Chinese Ghost Stories (Topic)
KOR 415 Korean Popular Culture
PHI 450 Philosophical and Spiritual Issues in Death and Dying
THP 351 Arts Management

E. Mathematics (MATH)

No submissions.

F. Quantitative Reasoning (QTRS)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
CIS 105 Computer Applications and Information Technology

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
ART 108 Digital Literacy for the Arts
FSH 208 Fashion Technology I

G. Scientific Thinking in Natural Sciences (SCIT)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
SCN 202 Sustainability Science Literacy for Engaged Global Citizens

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
FSH 200 Textiles Science Lab / FSH 201 Textiles Science
SCN 208 Nature and Society: An Introduction to Environmental Studies

H. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SOBE)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
SLC 194 Language in the United States (Topic)
SPA 420 Applied Spanish Linguistics
SWU 171 Introduction to Social Work

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
ECN 211 Macroeconomic Principles
ECN 212 Microeconomic Principles

I. Sustainability (SUST)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
ABS 270 Sustainable Biological Systems
HEP 355 Population Health and Climate Change
SCN 308 Urban Sustainability and Environmental Education

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
ENV 194 Environmental Sustainability (Topic)
SCN 307 Biomimicry: Nature's Sustainable Solutions

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
EED 284 Introduction to Integrated STEAM Learning Experiences
GER 494 Animals in the Anthropocene (Topic)

6. Discussion

7. Adjournment