Curriculum development
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
General Studies Council Meeting
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Administration Building Interdisciplinary B Conference Room 365 (Tempe)
Telephone: 480-965-2018
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - Tuesday, January 24, 2012
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. New Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)
From ASU: (new)
ENG 294 Love and Lust in Medieval Literature
From ASU: (mandatory review)
AFH 459 Studies in African American/Caribbean Lit
PRM 303 Program Planning
From MCCCD: (mandatory review)
GBS 233 Business Communication
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)
From ASU: none
From MCCCD: none
C. Humanities, Fine Arts and Design (HU)
From ASU: (new)
AFH 364 Unruly Voices
AFH 459 Studies in African American/Caribbean Lit
CON 294 Deductive Logic, Leadership & Industry Structure
ENG 294 Love and Lust in Medieval Literature
HEB/REL 394 Literary Readings of the Bible
IAP 103 Foundations I: Interdisciplinary Digital Media
IAP 104 Foundations I: Fundamentals of Sound Art
IAP 364 Documentaries
IAP 464 Media and Diversity
JST 230 Introduction to Jewish Civilization
From MCCCD: (new)
INT 120 Modern Architecture and Furniture
D. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB)
From ASU:(new)
ASM 462 Dental Anthropology
CON 294 Deductive Logic, Leadership and Industry Structure
From MCCCD: (new)
HIS 251 History of England to 1700
HIS 252 History of England 1700 to Present
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
From ASU: none
From MCCCD: (new)
BIO 109 Natural History of the Southwest(SG)
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
From ASU: none
From MCCCD: none
G. Global Awareness (G)
From ASU: (new)
IAP 464 Media and Diversity
JST 230 Introduction to Jewish Civilization
From MCCCD: none
H. Historical Awareness (H)
From ASU:
JST 230 Introduction to Jewish Civilization
From MCCCD: (new)
HIS 251 History of England to 1700
HIS 252 History of England 1700 to Present
INT 120 Modern Architecture and Furniture
7. Adjournment