Curriculum development
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
General Studies Council Meeting
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Ira A. Fulton Foundation Bldg. Room 2490 -2nd Floor
Teleconference: 480-965-2743
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - January 25, 2011
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. New Business
- At the request of Joe Rody (Mathematical Studies subcommittee), please review the attached material: Both requests will be discussed and voted upon at the GSC meeting.
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry
ASU: (new)
BIO 306 Modes of Biological Thought
DCE 405 Rhetorical Moves
ASU: (revised & resubmitted)
FMS 440 Los Angeles: Movies and Culture
B. Mathematical Studies
ASU: (new) (MA)
PAF 301 Applied Statistics
STS 401 Statistics in Science and Technology Studies
C. Humanities, Fine Arts and Design
ASU: (new)
DCE 350 Dance in the Classroom:Learning Through Movement
DCE 405 Rhetorical Moves
GER 394 Germanic Mythology
HEB 194 Biblical Hebrew I: Initiation
SLC 294 Greek and Roman Mythology
SLC 294 Ancient Greek Literature: A Survey
SLC 394 Germanic Mythology
MCCCD: (new)
D. Social and Behavioral Sciences
ASU: (new)
PAF 200 Public Service & Policy in the 21st Century
PAF 201 Economics & Public Policy
WST 365 Women and International Health
WST 440 Politics of Womens Health
MCCCD: (mandatory review)
IBS 109 Cultural Awareness for International Trade
E. Natural Sciences
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
ASU: (new)
DCE 360 Third Year Creative Practices I
MCCCD: (new)
G. Global Awareness
ASU: (new)
AFH 459 Studies in African America/Caribbean Literature
GER 394 Germanic Mythology
KOR 313 Third-Year Korean I
KOR 314 Third-Year Korean II
SLC 394 German Mythology
H. Historical Awareness
ASU: (new)
LSC 394 Environmental Disasters
SLC 394 Greece and Rome at War
MCCCD: (mandatory review)
GCU 221 Arizona Geography
HUM 108 Contemporary Humanities
HIS 273 U.S. Experience in Vietnam 1945-1975
7. Adjournment