Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

General Studies Council Meeting


Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Administration Building Interdisciplinary B Conference Room 365 (Tempe)
Conference Call-in number: 480-884-1950 from outside. Then enter the Conf I.D. when prompted 2561 followed by pound sign. You will be connected to the call in progress INTDS B365.

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes - January 22, 2013

3. Announcements

  • Dr. El Hamel will share information from last Senate meeting.  

4. Old Business

  • Continuing discussion relating to GSC training sessions, Policies and Procedures, ByLaws, Literacy criteria requirements.

5. New Business

6. Subcommittee Reports  

A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)

From ASU: (new)

BIS 340 Organizational Skills
BIS 345 Organizational Ethics
HST 404 Conquest
HST 494 Latin America and the World Economy IEE 431 Engineering Administration IEE 485 Systems Design Capstone I (Revised)
MHL 438 Topics in 18th Century Music
SLC 191 The Ancient Mediterranean
THE 440 Experimental Theatre and Performance 

From MCCCD: none  

B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)

From ASU: none

From MCCCD: none  

C. Humanities, Fine Arts and Design (HU)

From ASU: (new)

BIS 345 Organizational Ethics
SLC 191 The Ancient Mediterranean
SPA 431 Prose of Golden Age (REVISED)

From MCCCD: (new)

ENH 252 Biblical Backgrounds of Literature

D. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB)

From ASU: none

From MCCCD: none

E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)

From ASU: none

From MCCCD: none

F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)

From ASU:

WST 294 Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality

From MCCCD: none

G. Global Awareness (G)

From ASU: (new)

HST 404 Conquest
HST 494 Latin America and the World Economy

From MCCCD: none 

H. Historical Awareness (H)

From ASU: (new)
HST 494 Latin America and the World Economy
SLC 191 The Ancient Mediterranean

From MCCCD: none

7. Adjournment
