P13: Fixed-Term Academic Professional Promotion Requirements for Academic Unit Bylaws
Effective Date: March 23, 1987
Revision Date: September 5, 2019
Arizona State University requires academic unit and college bylaws to include information regarding fixed-term academic professional promotions. If an academic unit has fixed-term academic professionals, no promotion for fixed-term academic professionals will be considered from a unit that does not have promotion requirements approved by the provost. The promotion criteria must be included as part of the promotion package.
Written policies/procedures or bylaws, approved by the academic personnel of the unit, reviewed by the dean, and approved by the provost, should include:
- unit mission statement and objectives, i.e., the context within which individual academic professional contributions can be measured
- definition of the categories of academic professional work to be evaluated, i.e., position effectiveness; professional contributions; and institutional, professional, and community service
- criteria for the evaluation of work
- explanation of how cases of joint and/or affiliated appointments will be evaluated, e.g., inclusion of evaluative comments from affiliated departments
- types of evidence/file contents to be submitted by candidates under review (see P12, “Promotion for Fixed-Term Academic Professionals Process Guide)
- compliance with university and Board of Regents policies and procedures
For more information, see ACD 507-07