Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Thursday, September 24, 2020


3:15 pm-5:00 pm

Conference Call-in number: 1-669-900-6833 or 1-646-876-9923

                                                              Meeting ID907 003 3620

Zoom URL:


1.  Call to Order

2.  Approval of Minutes - September 3, 2020

3.  Announcements

4.  Old Business

5.  New Business

6.  Subcommittee Reports

A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L) Report

From ASU:
LST 470 Tokens, Taverns, and Tactics: Tabletop Game Analysis (new)
LST 470 Seminar: Social Activism Through the Arts (new)
LST 470 Liberal Studies Seminar Topic: Changing Consciousness (new)
LST 470 Liberal Studies Seminar -Topic: Understanding Place (new)
LST 470 Creating Meaning through Design (new)

From  MCCCD: no courses

B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS) Report

From ASU:

BME 210 Programming for Biomedical Engineers: Introduction to Computers, Programming and Data (new) CS

From  MCCCD: no courses

C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU) Report

From ASU:
KOR 457 Premodern Korea in a Global Context (new)
LST 470 Creating Meaning through Design (new)
LST 470 Liberal Studies Seminar Topic: Changing Consciousness (new)
LST 470 Liberal Studies Seminar – Topic: Understanding Place (new)
LST 470 Liberal Studies Seminar: Social Activism Through the Arts (new)
LST 470 Tokens, Taverns, and Tactics: Tabletop Game Analysis (new)
SLC 450 Experimental Narrative (new)

From  MCCCD: no courses

D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB) Report

From ASU: no courses

From Yavapai:
NTR 145 Food and Culture (new)

E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)

From ASU: no courses

From  MCCCD: no courses

F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) Report

From ASU: no courses

From Yavapai:
NTR 145 Food and Culture (new)

G. Global Awareness (G) Report

From ASU:
KOR 457 Premodern Korea in a Global Context (new)
SLC 450 Experimental Narrative (new)

From  Yavapai:
NTR 145 Food and Culture (new)

H. Historical Awareness (H) Report

From ASU:
CEL 394 The American Constitution I: Structures (new)
CEL 394 Arizona Constitutionalism and Political Development (new)
CEL 394 Debates in American Civic and Public Affairs (new)

From MCCCD: no courses

8. Adjournment
