Curriculum development
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
General Studies Council Meeting
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Fulton Center (FULTN) Room 2490 (Tempe)
Conference Call-in number: (720) 279-0026 or Toll Free (877) 820-7831
Participant Passcode: 485022
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - August 25, 2015
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
Historical Awareness subcommittee would like to briefly discuss Historical Awareness criteria.
5. New Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)
From ASU
ASB/TCL 378 McGlobalization: Migration, Mass Media and McDonald's
CON/CNE 496 Construction Contract Administration (Revised)
SPA 316 Spanish Conversation and Composition for Bilinguals
DAH 255 Hip Hop: Arts, Aesthetics, and Culture
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)
From ASU
SLV 304 Computational Linguistics of Slavic Languages (CS) (Revised)
From MCCCD: none
C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)
From ASU: none
DAH 255 Hip Hop: Arts, Aesthetics, and Culture
D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB)
From ASU: none
From MCCCD: none
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
From ASU: none
From MCCCD: none
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
From ASU:
TWC 454 Information Technology and Culture (Mandatory Review - Revised)
WST 380 Race, Gender, and Class
WST 460 Women and the Body
DAH 255 Hip Hop: Arts, Aesthetics, and Culture
G. Global Awareness (G)
From ASU:
ASB 101Anthropology: Understanding Human Diversity
CON 101 Construction and Culture: a Built Environment
GER 110 Intensive German I
GER 210 Intensive German II
GER/SLC 455 Multi-Kulti: Multiculturalism Through Film
ITA 110 Intensive Italian I
ITA 210 Intensive Italian II
JPN 315 The Language of Japanese Popular Culture I: Gender and Onomatopoeia/Mimesis
JPN 316 The Language of Japanese Popular Culture II: Honorifics and Dialects
SPA 110 Intensive Spanish I
WST 378 Global Feminist Theory
From MCCCD: none
H. Historical Awareness (H)
From ASU: none
From MCCCD: none
7. Adjournment