Curriculum development
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Time: 3:15-5:00 p.m.
Location: Fulton Center (FULTN) Room 2490 (Tempe)
Conference Call-in number: (720) 279-0026 or Toll Free (877) 820-7831
Participant Passcode: 496430
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - Thursday, January 31, 2019
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. New Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L) Report
From ASU:
CEL 394 Lincoln: Rhetoric, Thought, Statesmanship (new)
From MCCCD: no courses
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS) Report
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU) Report
From ASU:
CEL 235 Debating American Constitutionalism (new)
CEL 394 Lincoln: Rhetoric, Thought, Statesmanship (new)
JPN 394 Japanese Civilization: From the Ice Age to Last Thursday (new)
SLC 123 Gods and Monsters: Comparative Mythology (new)
HIS 203 African-American History to 1865 (mandatory review)
MHL 241 Music History and Literature to 1750 (revised/mandatory review)
MHL 242 Music History and Literature 1750 to Present (revised/mandatory review)
D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB) Report
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) Report
From ASU:
COM 363 Latinxs and the Media (new)
ENH 260 Literature of the Southwest (mandatory review)
G. Global Awareness (G) Report
From ASU:
JPN 394 Japanese Civilization: From the Ice Age to Last Thursday (new)
SLC 123 Gods and Monsters: Comparative Mythology (new)
From MCCCD: no courses
H. Historical Awareness (H) Report
From ASU:
CEL 494 The American Constitution I (new)
From MCCCD: no courses
7. Adjournment