Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Request for DARS Self-Service Access

  • Request access through My ASU and the Service tab: Service/Access Requests/DARS Self-Service Access Request
  • Student workers requesting access must attach a PDF or screenshot of their passed FERPA training score to the ticket.
  • Requests are usually processed within 48 hours or less.
  • If you will be creating exceptions for individual student's degree audits, indicate the types of transactions you may need to access so the proper level of security will be assigned: e.g. simple course transactions (RC, RD, RM, RS); more complex transactions (CF, CT, DT, WC, WH, XL); pre-requisite equivalencies for transfer courses needing to be exported to PeopleSoft (EQ).
  • Permissions will be removed in cases of misuse.
  • In the case of advisors transferring from one department to another, in accordance with ASU's security policies: permissions will be removed and access must be requested and approved by the supervisor in the new academic unit.