Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

GSC Thursday, April 25, 2024


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Zoom URL:

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes - March 28, 2024

3. Announcements

4. Old and New Business

5. Subcommittee Reports

A. American Institutions (AMIT)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
AFR 363 African American History to 1865

B. Global Communities, Societies, and Individuals (GCSI)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
ASB 340 Migration and Culture
HST 303 Communism and Authoritarianism: North Korea (Topic)
HST 304 War and Society in Europe (Topic)
HUL 494 Planetizing Citizenship (Topic)
INT 415 Latin American Design
JPN 194 Gateway to Japan (Topic)
MHL 344 Music and World Cultures
NEW 300 A Study of Black Amsterdam (Topic)
POS 368 Ethics and Human Rights

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
APA 360 Chinese Americans (Topic)
ASB 211 Women in Other Cultures
HST 303 Modern China: Violence (Topic)
PAF 362 Biosecurity and Biodefense
POS 353 Comparative Politics of the Middle East
TEL 208 Education in a Changing World
WST 375 Women and Social Change

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
AFR 210 Introduction to African American Studies
GRA 362 Visual Communication IV
JUS 437 The Social Construction of Disability and Justice
POS 438 Latino Politics
RTH 394 Empowering Well-being (Topic)

C. Governance and Civic Engagement (CIVI)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
BIO 416 Biomedical Research Ethics
CAS 394 Harnessing Complexity - Introduction to Complex Systems (Topic)
CRJ 304 Inequality, Crime, and Criminal Justice
CRJ 405 Neighborhoods and Crime
HST 439 Athenian Democracy
PAF 315 Cross-Sector Collaboration
THP 482 Theatre for Social Change

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
PAF 360 Emergency Management I

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
RTH 384 Recreational Therapy Practicum

D. Humanities, Arts and Design (HUAD)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
AFR 302 History of Black Women in America
AME 365 People at Play
AMS 201 Introduction to American Studies
APA 360 Pacific Islander (Topic)
ASB 355 Traditional Medicine and Healing
DCE 300 Dancing Histories
DCE 402 Ethnography of Dance Practices
ENG 294 Introduction to Narrative Studies (Topic)
HUL 494 Educating for Democracy? (Topic)
HUL 494 Families Living (Un)Documented (Topic)
HUL 494 U.S. Gun Culture and Gun Impacts (Topic)
IAP 301 Energetic Systems of Art: Collaboration in the Arts
IAP 304 Traditions of the Avant-Garde and Experimental Art
IAP 420 Theatre in America
JUS 305 Principles of Justice
JUS 435 Cinema and Justice
MHL 345 Music in Renaissance Cities
MHL 438 Topics in 18th-Century Music
MHL 445 Music of the Silk Road
MHL 447 Music and Healing
MUE 310 Music in Early Childhood
MUE 311 Music in the Lives of Children and Youth
MUS 210 The Arts Around Us
MUS 211 Dance, Music and Meaning
MUS 212 Music, Meaning and Imagination
MUS 215 Creativity, Children and the Arts
MUS 231 Laughing to Music
MUS 254 Blues to Heavy Metal
PHI 303 The Future of Religions
PHI 318 Philosophy of Religion
RUS 294 Eastern European Science Fiction (Topic)
SEA 494 Imagining Ocean Futures (Topic)
SLC 294 Anxiety, Gender, and the Fantastic in European Literature (Topic)
SLC 421 Japanese Anime as History (Topic)
SLC 494 Ecocritical Approaches to Latin American Cultural Production (Topic)
THP 311 Drama and Education: Performance Methods for Teaching
WST 460 Women and the Body

Expedited Review Approval:
ENG 110 Wonder! (Topic)

E. Mathematics (MATH)

No submissions.

F. Quantitative Reasoning (QTRS)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
CRJ 450 Crime Analysis
MSC 470 Programming with Max (Topic)
PHY 472 Advanced Biophysics Lab

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
CRD 402 Assessment & Evaluation of Community Services
SEA 394 Digital Blue Planet (Topic)

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
GRA 361 Visual Communication III
MSC 115 Music Production Fundamentals

G. Scientific Thinking in Natural Sciences (SCIT)

No submissions.

H. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SOBE)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
CRJ 201 Criminal Justice Crime Control Policies and Practices
HCR 394 Organizational Mindfulness: Leadership and Success in the Workplace (Topic)
JUS 301 Research in Justice Studies
JUS 308 Courts and Society
SBS 302 Qualitative Methods
SLV 440 History of Slavic Languages
TCL 348 The Borders of Language

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
MUE 381 Music Therapy Research
SLC 212 Language and Culture Clash
SLC 420 Emotions Across Languages, Cultures, and History

Recommended for denial:

From ASU:
POS 331 Public Opinion

I. Sustainability (SUST)

Recommended for approval:

From ASU:
GRA 494 Regenerative Graphic Design (Topic)
SEA 201/294 Ocean Conservation (Topic)

Recommended for revise and resubmit:

From ASU:
HCI 294 Innovations for Sustainable Healthcare (Topic)

6. Special Business

Expedited GS Gold Review - AZ Transfer Courses (List 2)

7. Discussion

8. Adjournment
