Curriculum development
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Time: 3:15-5:00 p.m.
Location: Fulton Center (FULTN) Room 2490 (Tempe)
Conference Call-in number: (720) 279-0026 or Toll Free (877) 820-7831
Participant Passcode: 496430
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - Thursday, November 1, 2018
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. New Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L) Report
From ASU:
HST 482 Writing and the History of Science, Ideas, and Technology (new)
IDS 302 Interdisciplinary Inquiry (new)
OGL 482 Pro Seminar II (new)
From MCCCD: no courses
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU) Report
From ASU:
CEL 200 Great Debates in American Politics and Economics (new)
IDS 140 The Nature of Knowledge Systems (new)
IDS 316 Integration Humanities Contexts (new)
DAH 101 Introduction to Dance Through History (new)
MHL 153 Rock Music and Culture (mandatory review)
D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB) Report
From ASU:
IDS 140 The Nature of Knowledge Systems (new)
IDS 201 Intellectual Fusion (new)
IDS 310 Integration: Cultural Contexts (new)
IDS 311 Integration: Global Contexts (new)
IDS 312 Integrative Perspectives on Change (new)
IDS 313 Integrative Perspectives on a Changing World (new)
IDS 314 Integrative Perspectives on Cultural Dynamics (new)
IDS 315 Integration: Social Contexts (new)
AFR 203 African-American History: The Slavery Experience (new)
AFR 204 African-American History: Reconstruction to the
Present (new)
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) Report
From ASU:
IDS 310 Integration: Cultural Contexts (new)
IDS 314 Integrative Perspectives on Cultural Dynamics (new)
AFR 203 African-American History: The Slavery Experience (new)
AFR 204 African-American History: Reconstruction to the
Present (new)
G. Global Awareness (G) Report
From ASU:
HST 280 The History of Science, Ideas, and Innovation (revised/new)
HST/LAS 375 Colonial Latin America (new)
HST/LAS 376 Modern Latin America (new)
IDS 311 Integration Global Contexts (new)
IDS 313 Integrative Perspectives on a Changing World (new)
STO 288 Telling Sacred Stories From Around the World (new)
H. Historical Awareness (H) Report
From ASU:
AMS/ETH/LAS 428 Peoples and Cultures of the American West, to 1848 (new)
HST 482 Writing and the History of Science, Ideas, and Technology (new)
IDS 312 Integrative Perspectives on Change (new)
IDS 313 Integrative Perspective on a Changing World (new)
IDS 314 Integrative Perspectives on Cultural Dynamics (new)
MED 394 Healthcare and Humanities (revised/new)
AFR 203 African-American History: The Slavery Experience (new)
AFR 204 African-American History: Reconstruction to the
Present (new)
DAH 101 Introduction to Dance Through History (new)
7. Adjournment