Curriculum development
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
General Studies Council Meeting
Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Location: Ira A. Fulton Foundation Bldg. Room 2490 -2nd Floor
Teleconference: 480-965-2743
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Tuesday, February 23, 2010 meeting minutes
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. new Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry
hon 274 The human Event: social Science Focus new
jus 405 Economic justice Mandatory Review
jus 465 Death Penalty in the U.S. Mandatory Review
jus 469 Political Deviance and the Law Mandatory Review
jus 474 Legislation and Morality Mandatory Review
rel 374 Witchcraft and Heresy in Europe Mandatory Review
soc 416 Marriage Problems in Contemporary society Mandatory Review
soc 420 sociology of religion Mandatory Review
wst 477 Women and Violence Mandatory Review
IFS 101 Information Skills in the Digital Age Mandatory Review
B. Mathematical Studies
CIS 236 honors Introduction to Information Systems new
GPH 371 Introduction to Cartography and Georepresentation Mandatory Review
GPH 373 Geographic Information Science I Mandatory Review
GPH 471 Geographics: Interactive and Animated Cartography and Geovisualization MR
GPH 473 Geographic Information Science II Mandatory Review
GPH 220 Intermediate GIS Using ArcGIS Mandatory Review
(subcommittee will review on April 27, 2010)
C. humanities, Fine Arts and Design (Courses deferred until the April 27, 2010 meeting.)
ala 102 Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and society new
ala 240 Building Construction new
dce 300 Moving Histories Mandatory Review
hon 366 International France new
mhl 140 Music as Culture new
PHI 251 Philosophy of Sport new
SPA 265 Advanced Spanish I Mandatory Review
SPA 266 Advanced spanish II Mandatory Review
STO 292 The Art of Storytelling Mandatory Review
D. social and Behavioral Sciences
hon 274 The human Event: social Science Focus new
hst 432 East Euro/ the Balkans-20 Cent Mandatory Review
hst 436 The Soviet Experiment Mandatory Review
hst 456 The Vietnam War Mandatory Review
NTR 348 Cultural Aspects of Food Mandatory Review (revised)
rel 240 Introduction to Southeast Asia Mandatory Review
sgs 303 Global Trends new
wst 477 Women and Violence Mandatory Review
HIS 110 World History to 1500 Mandatory Review
HIS 273 U.S. Experience in Vietnam 1945-1975 Mandatory review
HIS 277 The modern Middle East new
E. Natural Sciences
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
G. Global Awareness
ala 240 Building Construction new
CHM 107 Chemistry and society Manadatory Review
hon 366 International France new
LPH 310 History of Landscape Architecture new
mhl 140 Music as Culture new
soc 352 social Change Mandatory Review
H. Historical Awareness
dce 300 Moving Histories new
hon 274 The human Event: social Science Focus new
hon 366 International France new
rel 374 Witchcraft & Heresy in Europe Mandatory Review
hst 300 Historical Inquiry Mandatory Review
hst 385 History of Chinese Medicine Mandatory Review
7. Adjournment