Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Frequently asked questions

Curriculum management

Kuali is the curriculum management platform used at ASU. Kuali has two components: Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) and Kuali Build.

Kuali allows faculty, staff and administrators at ASU to electronically create, review and approve curricular proposals such as new courses and programs, course and program modifications, academic planning, fees, topics, instruction modes, and other curricular related items. It provides a way to track where a proposal is in the approval process and to access proposals from any ASU unit.

More information about Kuali is found in the Kuali Training Manual (Google doc).

Please go to Career EDGE for required Kuali training materials, and then request Kuali access via this form.

If you already have a Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) account, go to MyASU and click on the link under Teaching & Student Support Tools > Curriculum Management (Kuali).

If you have questions or issues regarding access to Kuali, contact

Our previous curriculum management system, Curriculum ChangeMaker, is still available for read-only historical reference purposes. If you need access, please contact

The Degree Search homepage allows users to search for undergraduate or graduate programs, minors and certificates. Once you've clicked on a specific program, the plan code is displayed in the right sidebar and in the URL. For example, for Applied Mathematics, BS, the plan code is ASMATBS.

If you have access to Kuali Curriculum Management, you can also click on the "Programs" tab to search and find programs using plan codes or keywords.

Different types of requests have different workflow steps and timelines. More workflow levels mean the proposal will likely take longer to be completed. The current workflow step of your course proposal, along with possible current approvers, is found at the top in the Workflow Status box.

To see how many steps remain before it's implemented, click "expand" just above the upper right hand corner of the Workflow Status. This will also show you all possible approvers along every step of the way.

The best way is to contact one of the approvers at the current workflow step. This is visible when you open up the proposal. You can ask that they edit the proposal on your behalf, or use the "Send Back" action to return it to you for changes.

This means a reviewer found something with the proposal that needs to be corrected or changed. As the originator, it is your responsibility to make the needed changes and return the form back into the workflow.

Please expand the workflow to see comments left by the user who returned the proposal to you. Also be sure to check the Comments on the right hand side to see what the questions or concerns are. When you finish editing the proposal and have resolved all concerns, click Resubmit in the upper right to submit the proposal back into the workflow. Until you do, nothing will happen with the proposal.


New permanent courses with their own course number require the submission of a new course proposal in Kuali CM. (If you are adding a crosslisting to an already existing, approved course, propose changes to that existing course instead.) On the new course proposal, you are required to indicate that this course:

  • will be required for a degree program, minor or certificate, or
  • that it has been offered at least twice as an omnibus topic, with a minimum of 10 enrolled students each time, and at least one of the offerings within the last three years.

This demonstrates student interest and demand. If the course will not be required for a program, and does not have enough omnibus history, please continue to offer an existing topic, or submit a topics request (Google doc) under an appropriate omnibus course.

If the subject code has courses owned by multiple academic units, you will be required to attach statements of support (sometimes called impact statements) from those units, no matter which campus they are housed on. If the content of the proposed course seems to overlap with existing permanent courses, additional impact statements from those units will also be requested.

Note that omnibus course numbers (e.g., 194, 294), as defined in the catalog, are reserved numbers and do not change.

If an omnibus topic "changes" from a topic to a permanent number, it is in fact a new course request. New courses must either:

  • be required for a degree program, minor or certificate, or
  • have been offered at least twice as an omnibus topic, with a minimum of 10 enrolled students each time, and at least one of the offerings within the last three years

To request a permanent new course number, click on the Courses tab in Kuali CM, and then click on the "+New Course" button. Step-by-step instructions are included in the Kuali Manual (Google doc) and in this training walkthrough video.

New course numbers are determined by each department; there may be a clustered sequence for a curriculum topic. Permanent course numbers must be different than omnibus course numbers. In addition, permanent numbers must be inactive for at least four years before reusing them.

To see what course numbers are already taken under a subject, search in the "Courses" tab in Kuali CM, or in Course Catalog Search for the desired effective term.

Yes. Any course that will receive its own permanent number must be submitted as a separate new course proposal and goes through all necessary approvals at the department, college, university and University Senate review levels. The syllabus should reflect some type of distinction (usually in the assignments section) for the work required at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The university’s expectation is that, before the establishment of a new course or any modification to an existing course is implemented, any overlap in course content and/or similarity of subject matter be considered and supported by all academic units involved across all campuses.

In order to expedite the university review process, academic units are encouraged to include any documentation indicating that relevant departments have been contacted and agree on the proposed content. When appropriate, the university may request statements from additional academic units that may be impacted.

The grades available in each grading basis are visible on each active course and course proposal in Kuali CM. For more information regarding grade descriptions, please visit the Grades and Grading policies page.

ASU’s grading policy outlines the value of each grade ("A" = 4.00, "B" = 3.00, and so on) that is used when calculating the GPA. Because the syllabus is considered the official contract between a student and a professor, we ask that a specific breakdown of the course’s grade policies is included (e.g., how many points or what percentage constitutes each letter grade). This detail helps provide clarity and avoid grade disputes. See sample grading rubrics used by other academic units in the past.

General Studies designations, course fees and iCourse/oCourse attributes do not automatically carry over from omnibus topics to permanent courses. You must reapply for General Studies designations, request iCourse and/or oCourse approval using the new permanent course number, or submit new fee requests.

A course offering (sometimes referred to as a campus offering) is a single course offered on one or more campuses by one or more academic units. Course offerings must match in most ways. See Course Offerings for further information.

To add or remove a course offering to an existing course, submit the request by proposing changes to the course in Kuali CM. A statement of support must be attached from all impacted units.

Find the course in Kuali CM using the "Courses" tab. Propose changes to the course, and:

  • If your academic unit is the only owner, write in the justification that you would like to inactivate the course.
  • If your academic unit is not the only owner, and other units will continue to offer this course, go the Course Offerings section with the table and delete the appropriate row for your unit.

Crosslisting and combining are not the same, though the terms are often confused and mistakenly used interchangeably.

These occur at the course catalog level. They are courses that are the same content taught under different subject codes. They are coded as equivalencies in the catalog, which remains in effect until the courses are officially uncrosslisted or inactivated.

Crosslisted courses must match in every way except for subject (and possibly number). If the numbers do not match, they must be at the same level (lower- to lower-division or upper- to upper-division: 500 to 500, or 600 to 600).

A Kuali CM proposal must be submitted to add, change or delete a crosslisting. Impact statements showing there are no objections must be attached from all crosslisted department(s) and from any departments that share any of the courses. Any change to one crosslisted course will be editorially made in all crosslisted courses. If the other course does not yet exist, the approval of the submitted Kuali request will create the crosslisted course.

Combined classes are at the schedule level. These are effective only term by term. Combined class sections meet at the same time and place, but they are not identical. They can be within the same subject (e.g., an undergraduate- and graduate-level course, with the graduate course having an additional requirement), as well as with an omnibus topic (e.g., POS 416 could be combined with a POS 598 topic).

A new course proposal in Kuali also needs to be submitted if a permanent course you wish to combine does not yet exist. The syllabus should reflect some type of distinction (usually in the assignments section) for the work required at, for example, the undergraduate and graduate levels.

This depends on if any of the courses already exist or not. If none of the courses exist in the catalog yet, then only one new course proposal needs to be submitted, and it does not matter which unit originates the proposal. However, that unit does need to attach statements of support from all other units who will own a course in the crosslisting.

If one of the courses already exists in the catalog, then the unit who owns that course should be the one to propose changes to add a crosslisting. Adding a crosslisting is a change to an existing course (similar to adding an offering).

No, one instruction mode request is sufficient. If approved, the attribute(s) will be added to all courses included in a crosslisting. This is the one time that statements of support from other units involved is not needed, because requesting oCourse or iCourse approval does not force any unit to offer the course in a different modality; it merely provides the option.

No, these requests are not needed each semester. Approved instruction modes and topics are added to the course catalog and will remain in effect for all future semesters unless removed.

Yes. iCourse/oCourse modality must be requested for each specific topic in order to track approval.

There are three ways topics might be deleted from the catalog:

  1. Topics will be deleted if they were used as omnibus history to create a permanent course.
  2. Occasionally, the Registrar's Office may perform an audit to delete topics that have not been offered with enrollment in more than four years.
  3. A unit has requested that a topic be deleted.

No. There is no requirement to propose topics become a permanent course in the catalog. Topics may be run in perpetuity, if consistently offered, and have not been used as omnibus history to support creating a permanent course.

Topics are unable to have their own prerequisites. Prerequisites (along with corequisites and antirequisites) can only be placed on the entire omnibus course and will apply to all topics taught underneath that course.

If you need to restrict enrollment on a specific class section for a special topic, alternative options are to use a Reserve Capacity, or to turn on Instructor Consent or Department Consent. Keep in mind that placing special notes on a section in the schedule is not enforceable by the system in any way.

No. Omnibus course numbers, titles, descriptions and credit hours are fixed at the university level and cannot change. You can change the prerequisites or other enrollment requirements of an omnibus course, but keep in mind the prerequisites will apply to every topic housed under that course.

No. Faculty members may only teach those courses currently active within their own academic unit and with approval from the chair, director or dean. In order for an academic unit to add a course to its course bank, a proposal to add a course offering for that unit must be processed via Kuali CM. Course offering requests must be accompanied by statements of support from all academic units that currently offer the course and must complete the necessary reviews and approvals.

No. ASU Online does not offer classes. ASU Online, in-person, ASU Sync and iCourses are all formats by which academic units offer approved ASU courses. All ASU course proposals, regardless of delivery method, originate from an academic unit and must follow the university’s review and approval process. This process includes curriculum committee review(s) at the department/school and/or college/school level, University review and finally Senate review.

Once course proposals receive all necessary approvals and are implemented, courses may be scheduled on an ASU campus. If you wish to offer it as an iCourse or oCourse, you must propose changes to the course in Kuali CM to request the appropriate approvals — even if you created the course from an omnibus topic that had already received approval. iCourse/oCourse approvals do not automatically carry over from omnibus topics to permanent courses.

If the instruction mode is approved, courses may then be scheduled as an iCourse or through ASU Online.