Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Sample grading rubrics

ASU's grading policy outlines the value of each grade (A = 4.00, B = 3.00, and so on) that is used when calculating the GPA. Because the syllabus is considered as the official contract between a student and a professor, we ask that a specific breakdown of the course's grade policies is included (e.g., how many points or what percentage constitutes each letter grade). This detail helps provide clarity and avoid grade disputes. Please note that what follows are samples used by other academic units in the past.

(Sample) Grade Scale

A+ 98-100% B- 80-83%
A 94-97% C+ 78-79%
A- 90-93% C 70-77%
B+ 88-89% D 60-69%
B 84-87% E Less Than 60%

Given the amount of extra credit offered in this class, grades will not be rounded.


(Sample) Possible points per assignments

In-class participation  
Activities/participation* (20 days x 3 points) 60 points
Presenting group’s activity results (1 point per sharing) 5 points
PBL work group days (3 days x 5 points) 15 points
Life Cycle presentation evaluations (15 groups x 1 point) 15 points
Individual work  
Student bio 5 points
Check-in (2 check-ins x 5 points) 10 points
Self-evaluation 5 points
Reading assessments (11 assessments x 5 points) 55 points
Panels reflection papers (3 papers x 15 points) 45 points
Problem based learning assignment #1 40 points
Group work  
Life cycle project 50 points
Group presentation 25 points
Problem-based learning assignments #2 and #3 (2 PBLs x 25 points) 50 points
Final Exam 100 points


480 points

*There will a total of 20 opportunities for in-class activities. Your 2 lowest scores will be dropped.


(Sample) Course Grading

Grades for this class will be based on class assignments as outlined in the course schedule. Students must complete all course assignments or the instructor may assign the grade of E. Grades will be assigned based the following:

(Sample) Grade Scale    
97.0 thru 100 = A+
93.0 thru 96.9 = A
90.0 thru 92.9 = A-
87.0 thru 89.9 = B+
83.0 thru 86.9 = B
80.0 thru 82.9 = B-
77.0 thru 79.9 = C+
70.0 thru 76.9 = C
60.0 thru 69.9 = D (Not accepted by department)
Less than 60.0 = E (Failure - no credit)


(Sample) Course Content Weighting Factors

Quizzes 10%
Homework assignments 25%
Team Project 30%
Exams 35%