Curriculum development
GSC Thursday, March 2, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Zoom URL:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - February 2, 2023
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. New Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 305 Poverty and Global Health
ASB 327 Disaster!
ECN 475 Capstone in Economics
ENG 349 Indisciplining English: Global Lit as Critique (Topic)
PBH 435 Environmental and Occupational Health
THF 220 Principles of Dramatic Analysis
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ASB 302 Ethnographic Field Study
ENG 200 Critical Reading and Writing About Literature
ENG 302 Business Writing
ENG 360 Western American Literature
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature (Topic)
ENG 367 Food, Film and the Future (Topic)
ENG 445 Studies in American Realism
ETH 334 The American Southwest in Literature and Film
KIN 443 Exercise Endocrinology
Recommended for denial:
From ASU:
ENG 321 Shakespeare
ENG 337 Major American Novels
IAS 430 Science and Religion
KIN 460 Theory of Strength Training
MHL 438 Topics in 18th-Century Music
SPE 430 Professional Practices, Foundations, and Collaborative Teaching in Special Education
THE 440 Experimental Theatre and Performance
THP 311 Drama and Education: Performance Methods for Teaching
TWC 453 Information and Communications Technology in American History
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASM 463 A Practical Guide to Bayesian Data Analysis (CS)
CIS 105 Computer Applications and Information Technology (CS)
CIS 236 Honors Introduction to Information Systems (CS)
SES 230 Coding for Exploration (CS)
C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 333 Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries
CHI 294 Chinese Ghost Stories (Topic)
ENG 201 World Literature
ENG 221 Survey of English Literature Pre 1800
ENG 242 Literatures of the United States, 1860 to Present
ENG 360 Western American Literature
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature (Topic)
ENG 367 Food, Film and the Future (Topic)
ENG 415 Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture
ENG 416 Chaucer in Middle English
ENG 425 Studies in Romanticism
ENG 430 Studies in Victorian Literature and Culture
ENG 445 Studies in American Realism
ENG 452 Studies in the Novel
ENG 457 Studies in American Poetry
ETH 334 The American Southwest in Literature and Film
FMS 340 Contemporary American Film and Popular Culture
GRK 494 Tragedy and Comedy in the Greek City-State (Topic)
IAS 430 Science and Religion
MUS 131 Bach to Bebop
PHI 304 Existentialism
POR 194 Food, Culture, and Society in Latin America (Topic)
POR 494 African Diaspora: From Africa to Brazil (Topic)
SLC 340 Approaches to International Cinema
THE 322 Theatre History and Culture
From Community Colleges:
JPH 245 Traditional & Modern Japanese Culture
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ENG 222 Survey of English Literature
THE 406 American Multicultural Film
D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
AIS 445 American Indian Leadership and Resistance
ASB 301 Global History of Health
ASB 302 Ethnographic Field Study
ASB 305 Poverty and Global Health
ASB 326 Human Impacts on Ancient Environments
ASB 327 Disaster!
ASB 330 Understanding Archaeology
ASB 333 Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries
ASB 335 Ancient Ruins of the Southwest
ASB 357 Society, Drugs, and Health
ASM 246 Human Origins
ASM 301 Peopling of the World
ASM 414 Urban, Environmental and Health Challenges
DCE 303 The Body Condition(ed)
SWU 171 Introduction to Social Work
TEL 111 Exploration of Education
WST 333 Critical Perspectives on Sexuality
WST 430 Gender on the Borderlands
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ASM 450 Bioarchaeology
Recommended for denial:
From ASU:
ASM 275 Forensic Anthropology
ECN 211 Macroeconomic Principles
ECN 212 Microeconomic Principles
ECN 360 Economic Development
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
GLG 101 Introduction to Geology I (Physical) (SQ)
GLG 102 Introduction To Geology II (Historical) (SG)
GLG 103 Introduction to Geology I: Laboratory (SQ)
GLG 104 Introduction to Geology II: Laboratory (SG)
SES 141 Energy in Everyday Life (SQ)
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
PHY 194 Energy Matters (Topic) (SQ)
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
AIS 445 American Indian Leadership and Resistance
ASB 327 Disaster!
ASB 335 Ancient Ruins of the Southwest
ETH 334 The American Southwest in Literature and Film
THE 406 American Multicultural Film
THE 423 African American Theatre
WST 220 Gender, Media and Culture
WST 376 Feminist Theory
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
WST 333 Critical Perspectives on Sexuality
G. Global Awareness (G)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 222 Buried Cities and Lost Tribes
ASB 302 Ethnographic Field Study
ASB 305 Poverty and Global Health
ASB 330 Understanding Archaeology
ASB 333 Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries
ASB 357 Society, Drugs and Health
ASM 450 Bioarchaeology
CHI 294 Chinese Ghost Stories (Topic)
ECN 360 Economic Development
HST 404 Conquest and Encounters in Colonial Latin America
JPN 194 Japanese Food and Food Culture (Topic)
POR 194 Food, Culture, and Society in Latin America (Topic)
POR 494 African Diaspora: From Africa to Brazil (Topic)
SLC 340 Approaches to International Cinema
SLC 421 Romance and Revolution in Modern Japanese Literature and Film (Topic)
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
TWC 435 Global Issues in Technical Communication
H. Historical Awareness (H)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 301 Global History of Health
ASB 326 Human Impacts on Ancient Environments
ASB 330 Understanding Archaeology
ASB 335 Ancient Ruins of the Southwest
ENG 222 Survey of English Literature
HST 194 American Institutions: Making Government for the People (Topic)
THE 322 Theatre History and Culture
WST 376 Feminist Theory
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
AIS 445 American Indian Leadership and Resistance
ENG 201 World Literature
GLG 102 Introduction To Geology II (Historical)
SWU 171 Introduction to Social Work