Curriculum development
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Time: 3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Fulton Center (FULTN) Room 2490 - 2nd floor (Tempe)
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - December 5, 2019
3. Announcements
4. Old Business
5. New Business
6. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)
From ASU:
HON 370 History of Ideas (mandatory review)
NTR 355 Eating for Lifelong Health (revised/new)
SPE 317 Special Education for Culturally and Linguistically
Diverse Children and Youth (new)
From MCCCD: no courses
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)
From ASU:
HON 370 History of Ideas (mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (History of the
American West) (mandatory Review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (Outlaws, Indians & Ladies of
the West)(mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (The U.S.Presidency)
(mandatory review)
HIS 251History of England to 1700 (revised/mandatory review)
HIS 252 History of England 1700 to Present (revised/mandatory review)
D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB)
From ASU:
HST 306 Studies in Unites States History (History of the
American West) (mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (Outlaws, Indians & Ladies of
the West)(mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (The Civil War in Global
Perspective)(mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (The U.S.Presidency)
(mandatory review)
From MCCCD: no courses
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
From ASU:
HST 306 Studies in US History (Outlaws, Indians & Ladies of
the West)(mandatory review)
From MCCCD: no courses
G. Global Awareness (G)
From ASU: no courses
From MCCCD: no courses
H. Historical Awareness (H) Report
From ASU:
HST 302 Studies in History (Jews, Christians & Muslims in
Medieval World) Original
HST 302 Jews, Christians & Muslims (REVISED syllabus & assignments)
HST 304 Studies in European History (Stalin to Putin) Original
HST 304 Studies in European History (Stalin to Putin) (REVISED checklist and syllabus)
HST 306 Studies in Unites States History (History of the
American West) (mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (Outlaws, Indians & Ladies of
the West)(mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (The Civil War in Global
Perspective)(mandatory review)
HST 306 Studies in US History (The U.S.Presidency)
(mandatory review)
From MCCCD: no courses
8. Adjournment