Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

General Studies Council Meeting


Time: 3:00–5:00 p.m.
Location: Ira A. Fulton Foundation Bldg. room 2490 – 2nd floor

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of October 21, 2008 GSC Meeting Minutes

3. Announcements 

4. Subcommittee Reports

A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry


ASB 394 Rules, Games and Society*
FMS 200 Film History
GER 394 Women's Literature of Germany
SOS 320 Society and Sustainability

* Revised and resubmitted

B. Mathematical Studies


STS 401 Statistics in Science and Technology Studies

C. Humanities and Fine Arts


FMS 370 Signs of Aliens-course crosslisted with TCL 370-satisfies HU effective fall 2007
GER 394 Women's Literature of Germany
HTY  382 Ethics in Engineering and Technology*
LAW 194 Introduction to Law, Philosophy and Politics

D. Social and Behavioral Sciences


KIN  194 Forager to Couch Potato: The Obesity & Diabetes Epidemics
SOS 320 Society and Sustainability
STS 101 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society 
STS 110 Global Technology and Development 
STS 301 Research in Science and Technology Studies 
STS 302 Philosophy of Science and Technology 
STS 304 Science, Technology and Society 
STS 305 Science and Social Theory 
STS 306 Social Effects of Science and Technology 
STS 317 Science, Technology and Global Engagement 
STS 318 Science, Technology and Government 
STS 325 Science, Technnology and Public Policy 
STS 328 Science, Technology, and Culture 
STS 329 Cultivating Technology in Newly Industrializing Countries
STS 330 Information Technology and Globalization 
STS 331 Ethical Issues in Science and Technology
STS 332 Global Issues in Science and Technology 
STS 364 Science, Technology and National Security
STS 425 Law, Values and Science and Technology 

E. Natural Sciences

F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S.


FMS 370 Signs of Aliens
PHI 420 Feminist Philosophical Literature 

G. Global Awareness


ASB 394 Ecological & Environmental Anthropology *
GER 394 Women's Literature of Germany
PUP 200 Planned Environment: Cities in Cinema*
SSH 100 Introduction to Global Health*
STS 110 Global Technology and Development
STS 317 Science, Technology and Global Engagement
STS 328 Science, Technology, and Culture
STS 329 Cultivating Technology in Newly Industrializing Countries
STS 330 Information Technology and Globalization
STS 332 Global Issues in Science and Technology

* courses are deferred from October Meeting

H. Historical Awareness


FMS 200 Film History


WST 200 Essential Feminist Writing

5. Old Business

6. New Business

7. Adjournment
