Curriculum development
GSC Thursday, September 28, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Zoom URL:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - August 31, 2023
3. Announcements
4. Old and New Business
5. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ASB 322 Peoples of Latin America
ASB 443 Cross-Cultural Studies in Global Health
EED 433 Writing in the 21st Century
ENG 350 The Frontier in American Literature (Topic)
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature (Topic)
ENG 367 Food, Film, and the Future (Topic)
EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior
KIN 290 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice
KIN 460 Theory of Strength Training
MHL 438 Topics in 18th Century Music
THP 311 Drama and Education: Performance Methods for Teaching
TWC 453 Information and Communications Technology in American History
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ASB 302 Ethnographic Field Study
ENG 301 Writing for the Professions
ENG 332 No Place Like Home: Trauma and Asian American Lit (Topic)
ENG 379 Travel Writing
ENG 464 Great Directors
GRA 345 Design Rhetoric
REL 315 Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
SPA 425 Understanding Spain: Literature and Culture Before 1700
TDM 372 Tourism Planning
B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
DSC 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling (CS)
MSC 115 Music Production Fundamentals (CS)
MSC 470 Programming with Max (CS) (Topic)
C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ENG 110 Wonder! (Topic)
ENG 200 Critical Reading and Writing About Literature
ENG 222 Survey of English Literature
ENG 303 Classical Backgrounds of English Literature
ENG 332 No Place Like Home: Trauma and Asian American Lit (Topic)
ENG 350 The Frontier in American Literature (Topic)
ENG 413 History of English Literature
GER 494 Reading Marx, Nietzsche, & Freud (Topic)
GRK 142 Ancient Greek Civilization
GRK 223 Introduction to Greek and Roman Mythology
HST 112 Foundations of Democracy
LAT 421 Roman Literature
NEW 300 International Cities: A Study of Black Amsterdam (Topic)
PHI 403 Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
POR 472 Transatlantic Encounters: Brazil and Portugal
POS 341 History of Political Philosophy II
REL 307 Religion: Theory and Practice
ROM 394 Transnational Environmental Histories: Waterways (Topic)
SLC 123 Gods and Monsters: Comparative Mythology
SLC 494 Language and Disability (Topic)
SPA 194 The Southwest Before the United States (Topic)
TCL 471 Latinos in Hollywood
VTN 294 Vietnam: Beyond the War (Topic)
WST 421 Girlhood and Adolescence
From Community Colleges:
HUM 216 The Films and Career of Alfred Hitchcock
HUM 220 History and Film
HUM 245 Introduction Holocaust Studies
PHI 218 Philosophy of Sexuality
PHI 244 Philosophy of Religion
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
GRA 111 Graphic Design History I
HCR 210 Ethics for the Health Care Professional
STS 102 Engineering for All
D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
AFR 466 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
CRD 302 Inclusive Community Development
HCR 245 Sleep, Sleep Disorders and Behavior
HST 318 History of Engineering
JUS 325 Globalization and Socio-Economic Justice
JUS 352 Global Politics of Human Rights
POS 350 Comparative Politics
POS 439 Minority Group Politics in America
POS 454 Mexico
SLC 194 Language in the U.S. (Topic)
SOC 340 Social Deviance
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
ITA 494 Noisemakers! Tracing Origins of Modern Music-Italy (Topic)
POS 361 American Foreign Policy
Recommended for denial:
From ASU:
ACT 301 Risk Management and Insurance
ASB 455 Practicum for Social Sciences
E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)
Recommended for approval:
From Community Colleges:
AST 101 Survey of Astronomy (SG)
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
CRD 302 Inclusive Community Development
JUS 235 Disability, Justice, and Advocacy
SLC 194 Language in the U.S. (Topic)
TCL 471 Latinos in Hollywood
WST 421 Girlhood and Adolescence
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
SPA 194 The Southwest Before the United States (Topic)
G. Global Awareness (G)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
AFR 215 Bob Marley and Reggae: Lyrics of Resistance
GER 441 Fairy Tales
ITA 494 Noisemakers! Tracing Origins of Modern Music-Italy (Topic)
JUS 325 Globalization and Socio-Economic Justice
JUS 352 Global Politics of Human Rights
JUS 355 Human Rights Organizations and Institutions
POS 454 Mexico
POR 472 Transatlantic Encounters: Brazil and Portugal
ROM 394 Transnational Environmental Histories: Waterways (Topic)
SGS 101 Thinking Globally
SGS 301 Principles of Global Studies
SLC 123 Gods and Monsters: Comparative Mythology
SLC 494 Language and Disability (Topic)
TDM 205 Introduction to Travel and Tourism
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
POS 361 American Foreign Policy
H. Historical Awareness (H)
Recommended for approval:
From ASU:
ARC 431 Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism 1970 to the Present
CEL 394 Russian Political Thought from Peter I to Putin (Topic)
GRK 142 Ancient Greek Civilization
GRK 494 Greco-Roman Ideas of Leadership (Topic)
PHI 329 History of Modern Philosophy
ROM 394 Transnational Environmental Histories: Waterways (Topic)
SLC 194 Language in the U.S. (Topic)
VTN 294 Vietnam: Beyond The War (Topic)
Recommended for revise and resubmit:
From ASU:
CEL 494 The American Constitution I (Topic)
HST 112 Foundations of Democracy
SWU 171 Introduction to Social Work
6. Discussion
7. Adjournment