ASU Pathways User Experience
ASU Transfer Guide
In March 2020, ASU Academic Alliances launched a new user experience for the Pathways to ASU Program. Improved student usability now includes signing a pathway agreement into one seamless process. We provide students with a customized experience through personalized transfer map capabilities, that assist students with selecting the right community college classes to stay on track and minimize loss of credit towards their ASU major.
The robust infrastructure combines technology with curriculum enabling over 400+ pathways for every student in accordance with faculty guidelines. Students (and the staff who support them) are able to self-help by using the Transfer Guide (tcg.asu.edu), which includes the additional scope of resources:
Build a Transfer Map: which allows students to create a transfer path to 400+ ASU undergraduate majors with any regionally accredited domestic institution.
Course Search: Includes 700,000+ course equivalencies from regionally accredited domestic and international institutions and educational experiences completed during military service (via the Joint Service Transcript).
My Transfer Guide: A personalized portal which allows students to track their pathway to ASU progress and review all course evaluation requests.
More and more, students expect a personalized and user- friendly experience. Students participating in the Pathways to ASU program gain 24/7 direct access to self-service transfer tools providing a student with a seamless pathway to earn Guaranteed University Admission into their major of choice.* ASU is positioned to provide technological solutions and analytical tools to support students stay connected to their learning experiences, becoming a platform to enable seamless college journeys.
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Summer 2020 Academic Experiences
Students can accelerate their pathway experience with ASU Summer Academic Experiences. Visiting university students are eligible to take ASU courses for credits that can be applied to their major at their home institution.
The ASU Summer Academic Experiences help students stay on track, in addition to accelerating their college completion. Thousands of six-week or eight-week session classes offered online and virtually, taught live by ASU's world-class faculty. For more information about classes and enrollment visit Summer 2020 Academic Experiences.
Summer Experiences Live Q & A
Questions about ASU Summer Experiences?
We invite students to attend the
ASU Summer Experiences Live Q & A
Monday, May 4th, 2020
10:00a.m.-10:30a.m. MST
Student Q & A Sign Up
Tour ASU Campus
Students can now tour ASU via Virtual Experience Visits that are held through Zoom. The live sessions are facilitated by ASU enrollment and academic team members who will be able to answer your questions. Every session will go over Pathways to ASU, admission, and enrollment processes, with different additional sessions available throughout the week. For more information visit the tour ASU calendar.
Is your college interested in scheduling a virtual visit for a group of 10 or more students? Please email Bernadette DiStasi, we'll follow up within 48 hours to help coordinate a virtual visit for your group.
Thank you for all you do to assist students in transferring to ASU.
Arizona State University welcomes and values the diversity and life experiences of transfer students. We offer hundreds of degree programs and a comprehensive, responsive network of academic, financial and social opportunities designed for the success of all students. Transfer students come to ASU with a wide range of goals and aspirations. ASU provides the tools that allow each transfer student to explore pathways to and through the university, toward personal and professional fulfillment.