Pathways to ASU technology update
March 2020: Pathways to ASU technology update
Dear friend of ASU:
We hope you and your loved ones are well, staying safe and taking care of one another in these uncertain times. Our hearts are with everyone around the world who has been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, and we are incredibly grateful to all who are working hard to keep our communities healthy and safe.
The spread of COVID-19 may necessitate changes in the way we learn, but it does not change our desire to continue learning or the importance of doing so. We know as precautions are taken to ensure the safety of our communities, we must create new protocols for learning, for everyone at every level.
In order to be of assistance to schools, to parents teaching from home, and to people who want to continue their learning journey in these times of being sequestered at home, ASU has launched ASU For You. These resources are valuable at any time, and they are particularly relevant today given the circumstances we all face with COVID-19.
In addition, ASU Academic Alliances is excited to announce new technology enhancements to our Pathways to ASU program. These pathway tools help learners stay on track and enable seamless college journeys wherever students are in their academic pursuits!
What is the Pathways to ASU program?
Arizona State University is committed to the support and success of our transfer student population. As part of this commitment, ASU Academic Alliances is continually enhancing the transfer process with our Pathways to ASU program. Pathways to ASU is not merely curated courses. Our robust infrastructure combines technology with curriculum to enable a self-service model of almost 400 pathways. This puts every community college student on a path to earn their associate degree and fuel their own transfer experience towards gaining guaranteed general admission to ASU and into the major of their choice.* The Pathways to ASU program helps students save time, minimizes loss of credit, and enables successful degree completion.
By signing up for a Pathway to ASU, students can complete prescribed coursework in a timely and efficient manner. Students will benefit not only from building a Pathway to ASU while completing courses at a community college, but also through the use of ASU transfer tools and support services available to them.
Thank you for all you do to assist students in transferring to ASU.
Arizona State University welcomes and values the diversity and life experiences of transfer students. We offer hundreds of degree programs and a comprehensive, responsive network of academic, financial and social opportunities designed for the success of all students. Transfer students come to ASU with a wide range of goals and aspirations. ASU provides the tools that allow each transfer student to explore pathways to and through the university, toward personal and professional fulfillment.