Human Subjects Institutional Review Board
Armando Piña, Psychology
Carol Johnston, Nutrition and Health Promotion
The committee assures the Executive Vice President for Knowledge Enterprise (KE) adequate protection of human subjects’ rights and welfare in accordance with federal guidelines by reviewing all research projects involving human subjects prior to the initiation of data collection and by monitoring as required. The committee is responsible to the Vice President of Research for Knowledge Enterprise, who has appointed the Director, KE Operations as the Institutional Official.
Social Behavioral IRB
- Heather Griller-Clark, Teacher Education and Leadership (prisoner advocate)
- Vera Lopez, Social Transformation (prisoner advocate)
- Lynn Holley, Social Work
- Karin Ellison, Life Sciences
- Jonathan Pettigrew, Communications
- Dustin Pardini, Watts College
- Marc Adams, College of Health Solutions
- Leon Igras (Community Member)
Alternate Members
- Charles Katz, Violence Prevention
- Ramya Turaga, Research Integrity and Assurance
- Susan Metosky, Research Integrity and Assurance
- Debra Murphy, Knowledge Enterprise Operations
- Marisol Perez, Psychology
Ex officio
- Ben Mitsuda, Office of General Counsel
- Debra Murphy, Director, Knowledge Enterprise Operations (Institutional Official)
Bioscience IRB
- Michael Anderson, Risk and Emergency Management
- Douglas Lake, Life Sciences
- Molly Maxfield, Nursing and Health Innovation
- Dorothy Sears, Health Solutions
- Diane Labban, ASU University Health Services
- Stefanie Schroeder, MD (Community Member)
- David Sklar, MD, Health Solutions
- Anthony Denton, Registered Nurse (Community Member)
Alternate Members
- Ramya Turaga, Research Integrity and Assurance
- Susan Metosky, Research and Integrity Assurance
- Debra Murphy, Director, Knowledge Enterprise Development Operations
- Pamela Swan, Health Solutions
Ex officio
- Ben Mitsuda, Office of General Counsel
- Debra Murphy, Director, Knowledge Enterprise Operations (Institutional Official)