Curriculum development
March 26, 2009
AgendaCurriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)March 26, 2009, 3:30 - 5 p.m. Computing Commons – room 123Video Conferencing Locations: Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317 Polytechnic campus: Center Building 147 West campus: FAB N 301G (recently renamed FAB 302)Call to OrderApproval of Minutes March 05, 2009 Old BusinessEXW 322 Spa Management I UNI 110 Critical Reading and ThinkingNew BusinessAction Items:Curriculum ProposalsCollege of Teacher Education and Leadership/Mary Lou Fulton College of Education Disestablishment of an undergraduate Concentration Secondary Education (Social Studies) Bachelor of Arts in EducationNew Course ProposalsThe following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system http://az.transfer.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/acres . Note: CAPC members- You can now query the new courses scheduled for the next CAPC meeting.Follow the steps below to view the list of courses waiting for your review and comment.Under FEATURES, click on the CAPC Date Query link.Click on the date of the next CAPC meeting.Sort the records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.Click the View link next to course to review and submit comments.AEP 501 Foundations of Ethics I AEP 502 Foundations of Ethics II ALA 226 Design Fundamentals IV ASM 275 Forensic Anthropology ASM 611 Paleopathology BMI 560 Teaching in Biomedical Informatics CHI 430 Readings in Chinese Religions DNP 608 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics Core DNP 612 Applied Pharmacotherapeutics for Women DNP 622 Applied Pharmacotherapeutics for Adults/Geriatrics DNP 632 Applied Pharmacotherapeutics for the Family DNP 642 Applied Pharmacotherapeutics for Pediatrics DNP 679 Biostatistics: Principles of Statistical Inference EDA 520 Cultural Diversity in Education EED 576 Field Experience ELS 501 Environmental Life Sciences: Grand challenge: Global Climate Change ELS 502 Environmental Life Sciences: Field Camp FMS 209 Screenwriting Fundamentals FMS 312 Film, Media and Politics Today GRA 311 Pre-20th Century Graphic Design History GRA 312 20th-Century Graphic Design History HPS 516 History of Biology HPS 550 Methods in History and Philosophy of Science HPS 551 Prospectus Writing HPS 610 HPS Lab HPS 651 Prospectus Writing MBB 444 Techniques in Functional Genomics MCO 570 Master of Mass Communication Capstone-Withdrawn MIC 379 Medical Bacteriology MUE 436 Percussion Methods for Music Therapy NTR 535 Nutrigenomics PAF 620 Public Administration Professional Development Workshop REL 482 Religion, Violence, and Conflict Resolution SPE 520 Reading and Communication Strategies for Individuals with Autism SPE 566 Applied Behavior Analysis in Inclusive Settings SSH 200 Food and Culture TEL 731 Inquiry in Dynamic Contexts TEL 732 Learning and Inquiry in Communities TEL 733 Educational Research and Assessment Methods TWC 504 Applied Rhetoric and Technical Communication TWC 505 Research in Technical and Applied WritingDiscussion: Senate Curriculum Task Force5. Adjourn