Curriculum development
November 20, 2008
AgendaCurriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC) November 20, 2008, 3:30 - 5 p.m. Computing Common, room 123Video Conferencing Locations: Downtown Phoenix campus: UCENT 317 Polytechnic campus: Admin Bldg., room 140 West campus: FAB N 301G (recently renamed FAB 302)Call to OrderApproval of Minutes November 6, 2008Old BusinessDCI 704 Adult Learning Theory and Practice (updated Syllabus)NAN 506 Innovation and IP Management (updated Syllabus)College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSchool of International Letters and Cultures Establishment of a graduate degree PhD in East Asian Languages and CivilizationsNew BusinessAction Items:Curriculum ProposalsFulton School of EngineeringSchool of Computing and InformaticsDepartment of Biomedical InformaticsEstablishment of an undergraduate degree/majorBS in Biomedical Informatics New Course ProposalsThe following new course proposals are available for your review via the on-line ACRES system Note: CAPC members - You can now query the new courses scheduled for the next CAPC meeting.Follow the steps below to view the list of courses waiting for your review and comment.Under FEATURES, click on Custom Form Query link.Click on New Course Curriculum Form link.Click on CAPC date link (at end of list).Type in CAPC date (format: mm/dd/yyyy). CAPC dates can be found in Agendas.Click “Query” button.Sort records by clicking the horizontal-bar square next to “Summary” in the header.Click View link next to course to review and submit comments.JMC 320 Newscast Producing - Spring 2009MCO 525 21st Century Media Organization and Entrepreneurship - Spring 2009AML 100 Introduction to Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences (added to agenda 4pm 11/13/2008) - Spring 2009AML 406 Directed Reading and Research in Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences (added to agenda 4 p.m. 11/13/2008) - Spring 2009ARS 585 Women in the Visual Arts - Spring 2009BMI 101 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics I - Fall 2009BMI 102 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics II - Fall 2009BMI 201 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics III - Fall 2009BMI 211 Biomedical Informatics Methods I - Fall 2009BMI 221 Knowledge Representation for Biomedical Informatics - Fall 2009BMI 301 Introduction to Clinical Environments - Fall 2009BMI 311 Biomedical Informatics Methods II - Fall 2009BMI 312 Biomedical Informatics Methods III - Fall 2009BMI 330 Topics in Translational Bioinformatics - Fall 2009BMI 332 Team Dynamics for Healthcare IT Projects - Fall 2009BMI 461 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Informatics I - Fall 2009BMI 462 Advanced Topics In Biomedical Informatics II - Fall 2009BMI 483 Capstone II - Fall 2009BMI 482 Capstone I - Fall 2009CSE 511 Semi-Structured Data Management - Spring 2009EDA 515 Administration and Technology in Learning - Spring 2009EDA 534 Concepts of Learner Centered Leadership - Spring 2009HON 274 The Human Event: Social Science Focus - Spring 2009INT 320 Computer Modeling for Design Studies - Fall 2009MSE 523 Structural and Mechanical Properties of Materials - Fall 2009PSY 576 Dynamical Systems in Psychology - Spring 2009PUP 324 Statistics for Planners - Fall 2009PUP 441 Economic Concepts and Environmental Planning - Fall 2009SPF 597 Teacher and the Law - Spring 2009TCL 364 Transborder Chicana/o and Mexican Literature of Southwest North America Before 1917 - Spring 2009THE 580 Methods of Teaching Theatre - Fall 2009THP 511 Methods of Teaching Drama - Fall 2009THP 529 Viewpoints and Composition - Fall 2009THP 550 Theatre Organization and Management - Fall 2010THP 555 Media Design Applications - Fall 2009THP 556 Performance Technology - Fall 2009THP 557 The Digital Portfolio - Fall 2010THP 582 Theatre for Social Change - Fall 2009