Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

General Studies Council Meeting


Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Administration Building Interdisciplinary B Conference Room 365 (Tempe)
Conference Call-in number: 480-884-1950 from outside then enter the Conference I.D.  when prompted 2561 followed by pound sign. You will be connected to the call in progress INTDS B365.

1. Call to Order  

2. Approval of Minutes - September 25, 2012 

3. Announcements  

4. Old Business

5. New Business

6. Subcommittee Reports  

A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)

From ASU:(new)

MSE 489 & 490 Capstone Design I & II (need to be taken together)
NLM 430 Managing Nonprofit Organizations
PRM 304 Areas & Facilities Management
SPA 429 Mexican Literature
SPA 474 Mexican Culture

From MCCCD: none    

B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)

From ASU: none

From MCCCD: none  

C. Humanities, Fine Arts and Design (HU)

From ASU: (new)

JPN 115 Japanese Popular Culture
SPA 427 Spanish American Literature
SPA 429 Mexican Literature
SPA 474 Mexican Culture

From MCCCD: (new)

HIS 203  African­-American History to 1865
MHL 145  American Jazz and Popular Music
MHL 153  Rock Music and Culture
MHL 241 Music History and Literature to 1750
MHL 242 Music History and Literature 1750 to Present

D. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB)

From ASU: (new)

ECS 312 Social & Emotional Development of the Young Child

From MCCCD: none

E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)

From ASU: none

From MCCCD: (new) (SG)

GLG 105 Introduction to Planetary Science

F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)

From ASU: (new)

APA 350 Inequality and Diversity in Education

From MCCCD: none

G. Global Awareness (G)

From ASU: (new)

ITA 494 Italian for Reading Knowledge
JPN 115 Japanese Popular Culture
SPA 429 Mexican Literature
SPA 474 Mexican Culture

From MCCCD: none

H. Historical Awareness (H)

From ASU: (new)

SPA 429 Mexican Literature
SPA 474 Mexican Culture

From MCCCD: (new)

MHL 153 Rock Music and Culture

7. Adjournment
