Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)

Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)
  10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m


Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 602 753 0140  or +1 669 219 2599  or +1 669 900 6833  2552  or +1 646 518 9805


1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - September 24, 2020
3. Old Business
4. New Business

Curricular Proposals 
Action Items:

College of Health Solutions
Name Change of an undergraduate concentration
From: BS in Health Sciences (Healthy Lifestyles Coaching)
To: BS in Health Sciences (Healthy Lifestyles and Fitness Science)

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Establishment of an undergraduate concentration
BA in Philosophy (Science, Nature and Mind)

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
School of Social Work
Name Change of a graduate concentration
From: MSW in Social Work (Planning, Administration and Community Practice)
To: MSW in Social Work (Policy, Administration and Community Practice)


5. Adjourn