Faculty toolkit
Sync toolkit
The ASU Teaching Toolkits have been collaboratively developed to provide ideas for how to address common remote teaching scenarios and questions. Please let us know if you have additional ideas for a toolkit that needs to be created or if you want to share an example of your remote teaching success via this remote teaching survey.
Getting Started
Shifting to remote or digitally-enhanced teaching can raise several questions.
This toolkit is a good place to learn:
- Common terms used in remote teaching
- Special considerations to support your students
- Guidance on how to decide if you should be teaching live or sending your students information
- And how to make the most out of remote teaching!
Getting Started in Sync Checklist
Sync OnDemand Training Modules
Know Your Support System
Glossary of Remote Teaching Terms
Instructor Presence
Taking Attendance
Creating teaching & learning materials
Add the Sync Canvas course template to your course
How Can I Support Students' Transition to Remote Learning
Synchronous and asynchronous - making decisions about content and delivery
Making the most out of Remote Teaching
Teaching Remotely at ASU
Secure your Zoom Room
Teaching Technology Descriptions
Sync Classroom Technology
Communicating with your students is a little different when you aren’t in the same room, but increasingly important as the distance between you and your students increases. This toolkit contains strategies, ideas and expectations for keeping contact with your students.
Communication Strategies
Communicating with Students
Welcoming Students
Setting Expectations with Students
Sync Syllabus Example
What can I say to students on the first day of class?
Manage a Sync Classroom
Best Practices for Classroom Management
How to hold office hours in Zoom
Strategies for teaching across time zones
Self Care
Teaching and Stress
Learning Design
The way you design your learning experiences will shift when teaching remotely. By staying focused on the true purpose of what you want your students to know and do after being in your class is key to choosing how you present information. This might look like a typical class lecture or it might have your students researching, experiencing or creating on their own or in groups with your guidance. This toolkit contains resources for how to decide how you want to present information.
Introduction to Learning Design
Foundations of Learning
Plan your Sync course
Sync Teaching Journal
Learner-centered course design - Inclusivity & Accessibility
Active teaching & learning strategies
Synchronous and asynchronous - making decisions about content and delivery
Group Work
Peer Reviews
Student Presentations
Guest Lectures
Remote Labs
Remote Studio / Performance Classes
Teaching a Live Remote Class
Avoiding Zoom Fatigue
Using the Whiteboard in Zoom
You’ve lectured, led discussions, demonstrated, assigned readings, videos and websites but have they learned? How do you know? And did they learn what you wanted them too? In-person you can gauge their body language, ask them questions and give a quick quiz or poll. This toolkit will give you resources and examples for how you can assess learning in the remote classroom.
Rethinking Assessment
Assessment Strategies
Low-Stakes Assessments
High-Stakes Assessments
Writing Open Book Exams
Polling the class
How can I give a remote quiz/test/exam/survey?
ASU Teaching & Learning Workshops and Training Sessions
A central calendar for displaying Teaching & Learning workshops and training sessions provided by academic units across campus.