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Handshake app links you with researchers

Interested in finding research opportunities at ASU? Fantastic! Discover undergraduate research opportunities based upon your skills, interests and passions using ASU Handshake. Handshake is ASU’s online hub for finding research opportunities, internships, jobs and more.

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Get started

You might find your research niche in your major, a long-time passion or in everyday situations. Each field of study can use research to tackle challenges and find solutions.

Benefits of participating in research

  • Work in a field that interests you and use your experiences to choose a future career path
  • Tackle challenges in your community or  travel to foreign countries to conduct research
  • Gain knowledge in your research area and add research projects to your resume
  • Apply for research grants and internships
  • Meet with a diverse group of students and faculty

How do you find your research niche? Decide what interests you.

  • Make a list of your interests, even if they may not all fall within your major.
  • Research web sites and explore forums and Research Matters to spark some ideas.
  • Start looking for research opportunities in different departments and colleges.
  • Attend research forums on campus to get a sense of the scope of research that is happening at ASU.
  • Talk to students whose research interests you about how they became involved in the project.

Identify a potential faculty advisor

  • Talk with your professors during office hours, visit their web pages and read some of the work they have published.
  • Be prepared with your research ideas when communicating with professors.
  • If the faculty member you contact is not able to work with you, ask for their recommendations of other faculty that might help you become involved.
  • If you are still having trouble locating a faculty adviser, talk to your academic adviser for any suggestions.