Academic Integrity
Student Policy
At Arizona State University academic honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, academic transactions and records. The possible sanctions include, but are not limited to: appropriate grade penalties, loss of registration privileges, disqualification and dismissal. ASU strictly adheres to the academic integrity policy. This policy sets forth the ASU Student Academic Integrity Policy and appeal procedures.
- This Policy sets forth the ASU Student Academic Integrity Policy and appeal procedures. These procedures are designed to encourage a fair and appropriate process for student and faculty to resolve allegations of academic dishonesty. They may be modified in individual cases, so long as the student is provided notice and an opportunity to respond to allegations of academic dishonesty.
- This Policy does not apply to differences of opinion over grades issued by an instructor.
Academic Deceit Any deceptive or fraudulent act that creates or attempts to create an advantage or disadvantage for any member of the academic community.
Academic Evaluation Any academic assignment, project, paper, performance, quiz, exam, comprehensive exam, candidacy exam, thesis, dissertation, clinical or internship experience, or other evaluation assigned or offered for credit (including extra or optional credit), intended to fulfill an academic requirement, or considered by the University to provide academic or research experience (such as a paid research position).
Academic Integrity Officer The person responsible for managing the academic integrity investigation and adjudication process in a College or School. The Academic Integrity Officer works with both the student and Instructor to ensure that all procedures are followed. The Academic Integrity Officer is responsible for guiding both the student and Instructor through the investigation and adjudication process. The Academic Integrity Officer may pursue the academic dishonesty allegation if, for any reason, the Instructor is unable or unwilling to do so.
Advisor An individual selected by the student to assist him/her during the academic integrity process. The advisor may be a faculty or staff member, student, or other representative of the student.
College/School Board College or School Board is appointed by the academic Dean to review allegations of academic dishonesty. Each College or School Board is a standing committee comprised of faculty members and at least one student.
University Academic Integrity Hearing Board Hearing board appointed by the Provost or designee to review allegations of academic dishonest, typically through student appeals from a College/School Board.
Instructor An academic supervisor or any person holding a faculty appointment as defined in the Arizona State University Academic Affairs Manual and is responsible for or authorized to conduct an academic evaluation. The Academic Integrity Officer may take the place of the Instructor throughout this process.
Day University business day, not including Saturday, Sunday, any officially recognized university employee holiday, or any day the University is closed.
- All students must act with honesty and integrity. ASU believes that any form of Academic Dishonesty negatively impacts not only the student involved but all ASU students. The ASU student honor code affirms this commitment to integrity and can be found here.
- Academic Dishonesty includes attempting or engaging in the following:
- a. Academic Deceit;
- b. Referring to unauthorized materials, sources, or devices (e.g., Internet resources, computer disks, audio recorders, cellular phones, personal electronic devices, text messages, crib sheets, calculators, solution manuals, materials from previous classes, or commercial research services) during an Academic Evaluation;
- c. Possessing, reviewing, buying, selling, obtaining, posting on a site accessible to others, reviewing materials from a site accessible to others, or using, without appropriate authorization, any materials intended to be used for an Academic Evaluation in advance of its administration;
- d. Using a substitute or acting as a substitute for another person in any Academic Evaluation;
- e. Relying on the aid of others, including other students, tutors, or for-hire agents, in connection with any Academic Evaluation to the extent that the work is not representative of the student's abilities;
- f. Providing inappropriate aid to another person in connection with any Academic Evaluation, including the unauthorized use of materials, cellular phones, text messages, photocopies, notes, or other means to copy or photograph materials used or intended for Academic Evaluation;
- g. Plagiarism, or the use of another’s words, ideas, materials, or work from the Internet or any other source without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another’s work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately.
- h. Claiming credit for or submitting work done by another or through the unauthorized use of technology;
- i. Signing an attendance sheet for another student, allowing another person to sign on the student's behalf, or otherwise obtaining credit for attendance for oneself or another without attending;
- j. Falsifying or misrepresenting hours or activities regarding an internship, externship, field experience, clinical activity, or similar activity; or
- k. Attempting to influence or change any Academic Evaluation, or academic record for reasons having no relevance to academic achievement.
- Anyone with a good faith basis for believing that a student has engaged in Academic Dishonesty may report the alleged violation to the Instructor or Academic Integrity Officer for the college or school in which the Academic Dishonesty occurred.
- If the Instructor or Academic Integrity Officer conclude that there is a sufficient basis to believe the student engaged in Academic Dishonesty, the Academic Integrity Officer will notify the student of the alleged violation and initiate the investigative process.
- Before concluding the investigation, the Academic Integrity Officer will provide the student a summary of the information gathered. The student will have 5 business days after the notice was sent to respond on his/her own behalf to the allegation.
- At any point in the process, the student can contact the Academic Integrity Officer to seek consultation or clarification.
- The student may be accompanied by an Advisor at any point in the process. The Advisor is not permitted to participate directly or speak for the student.
- Once the investigation is complete, in consultation with the Academic Integrity Officer, the instructor will recommend a sanction. The student will be notified of the result of the investigation and the sanction to be imposed, if any.
- The following sanctions may be imposed for Academic Dishonesty:
- a. Reduced or failing grade for the Academic Evaluation;
- b. Reduced or failing grade for the course.
- c. An XE grade as described in section K below;
- d. Withdrawal of credit for a previously accepted course or requirement;
- e. Suspension from the University for a specific period of time;
- f. Expulsion from the University without expectation of readmission; and/or
- g. Other sanctions as consistent with this policy and the Student Code of Conduct: https://eoss.asu.edu/dos/srr/codeofconduct
- At any time, the student and the Instructor may agree on the sanction and inform the Dean. The Dean may reject the proposed resolution and appoint a designee to pursue the case on behalf of the University.
- The student will also be notified of their right to appeal to the Dean. The student must file their appeal no later than 10 business days after the date the notification was sent. If the student does not file a timely appeal, the sanction is final.
- A student’s appeal of a recommended sanction must be submitted in writing and include the following:
- a. A description of the alleged academic dishonesty, including a factual narrative of events, the dates and times of occurrences, and any other reason why the sanction should not be imposed;
- b. The names of persons having information about relevant circumstances or events; and
- c. The general nature and description of all evidence.
- If the student files an appeal, the student must meet with the Academic Integrity Officer to discuss hearing procedures. The Academic Integrity Officer will help the student navigate the process and provide additional information when needed.
- If the student wishes to dispute any aspect of the allegation or sanction, the student may file an appeal. If the student files a timely appeal, the sanction will not be imposed until the appeal is resolved. If the student files an appeal at the end of a semester, or during the last semester of enrollment, the course grade or degree may be withheld until the matter is resolved. If a grade or degree will be withheld for any period, the Academic Integrity Officer or Dean must notify the Registrar's Office.
- The Academic Integrity Officer will forward a student’s timely appeal to the Instructor.
- Pre-Hearing Proceedings
- a. The Academic Integrity Officer will send a notice of hearing to the student, Instructor, College/School Board, and the head of the College/School/academic unit where the alleged dishonesty occurred. The notice will include the following information:
- I. Statement of time and place of the hearing before the College/School Board. Unless the parties and Academic Integrity Officer agree otherwise, the hearing will take place during the regular fall or spring semester;
- II. A copy of this Policy or instructions on accessing the Policy electronically;
- III. Requirement that the parties provide to each other and the College/School Board a written list of witnesses and a description of any documents or other evidence they intend to use at the hearing. Unless the Chair provides otherwise, this information must be exchanged at least 5 business days before the hearing.
- IV. The length of time set for the hearing, the time limitation for the presentation of evidence, and any other procedural requirements.
- a. The Academic Integrity Officer will send a notice of hearing to the student, Instructor, College/School Board, and the head of the College/School/academic unit where the alleged dishonesty occurred. The notice will include the following information:
- Conduct of the Hearing
- a. In order to preserve the confidential nature of the disciplinary process and to protect the privacy of those involved, the hearing will be closed to the public.
- b. The College/School Board Chair will preside at the hearing and will rule upon all procedural matters. The formal rules of evidence will not apply, although objections to the introduction of specific statements or documents may be considered by the Chair. Irrelevant, immaterial, privileged, or unduly repetitious information will be excluded.
- c. The Instructor shall have the burden of showing it is more likely than not that the student engaged in Academic Dishonesty. The Instructor must also explain the reason for the sanction. If the student accepts responsibility for Academic Dishonesty, then the College/School Board may focus the hearing on the appropriate sanction.
- d. Information regarding prior violations or informal resolutions of previous allegations may not be used as proof of a current violation, but may be admitted for other purposes, such as to show that the student had prior experience relevant to the allegations or to show that the student had been informed previously that the conduct was unacceptable. The College/School Board may also consider information regarding prior violations in determining an appropriate sanction.
- e. A student who fails to appear or refuses to participate at the hearing will be deemed to have abandoned his/her appeal, unless the student can demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances prevented his/her appearance or participation.
- f. The student and Instructor may each have an Advisor present, but the Advisors shall not be permitted to address the College/School Board directly, except as the College/School Board Chair deems necessary or appropriate.
- g. The hearing will be recorded and the student may request a copy of the recording. The student may also request a transcript, but will be responsible for its cost.
- h. Except as otherwise permitted by the College/School Board Chair, witnesses will be excluded from the hearing except during their own testimony. The Chair may remove a party, Advisor, or witness from the hearing if that person’s conduct is disruptive.
- i. When necessitated by fairness or extraordinary circumstances, the College/School Board may permit the parties to make arrangements for recorded, written, or telephonic testimony from their witness (es) for use in the proceeding.
- j. The Instructor shall proceed first at each stage of the presentation.
- I. Each party may present an opening statement, which summarizes what information is expected to be presented.
- II. Each party will call witness(es) to provide statements under oath.
- III. At the conclusion of each witness’s statement, he/she may be questioned by the other party.
- IV. The College/School Board may ask further questions of each witness.
- V. Each party may present a closing statement, which summarizes the information that was presented.
- If the alleged Academic Dishonesty involves the work of multiple students, the College/School Board may modify these procedures to address the circumstances. The College/School Board should provide prior written notice of any modification of the procedures to all parties. Each student must file his/her own appeal. A student who has not filed an appeal should not expect to benefit from another student’s appeal.
- Following the presentation of information and closing statements, the College/School Board will discuss the information that has been presented and the reasonable inferences to be drawn from it. Only the Board, its legal advisor, if any, and the Academic Integrity Officer may be present during the deliberations. Neither the student nor the Instructor may be present during the deliberations.
- Based solely upon the information presented, the College/School Board will formulate a recommendation to the Dean as to whether the student more likely than not engaged in academic dishonesty and the appropriate sanction. Recommendations must be supported by a simple majority of the Board.
- The College/School Board will prepare and send a written recommendation to the Dean within 5 business days of the hearing. The written recommendation will include findings of fact and a statement of the reasons for the recommendation. It will also be signed by the College/School Board Chair. If the recommendation is not unanimous, dissenting opinions should be reflected in the recommendation.
- After reviewing of the College/School Board’s Recommendation, the Dean will render a written decision which affirms, denies, or accepts the College/School Board’s recommendation with modifications.
- The Dean may not make new findings adverse to the student or increase the severity of a sanction, unless
- The Dean provides the student notice and an opportunity to respond to the new findings or sanction, and
- Remands the matter to the College/School Board for further proceedings.
- The Dean will provide written notice of the decision to the student, the Academic Integrity Officer, the instructor, the College/School Board, and the head of the College/School/academic unit where the alleged dishonesty occurred within 20 business days following receipt of the College/School Board’s recommendation. A delay may occur if it becomes necessary to conduct further investigation or to remand the matter to the College/School Board. In those cases, the written decision will be transmitted no later than 20 business days following completion of the investigation or the College/School Board’s subsequent recommendation.
- The Dean’s decision is final and may not be further appealed unless the Dean recommends that the Provost suspend or expel the student from the University.
- If the Dean recommends the suspension or expulsion of an international student, both the student and Academic Integrity Officer should consult with the ASU International Students and Scholars Center.
- If the Dean recommends that the Provost suspend or expel the student from the University, the letter from the Dean will state that the student may appeal the recommendation by filing a written request for review with the Provost within 10 business days of the date of the letter.
- If the student does not timely appeal, the Provost or designee will review the Dean’s recommendation and issue a final decision on suspensions or expulsions from the University.
- A student may seek to have a Dean’s decision reviewed by the University Academic Integrity Hearing Board only if the Dean recommends that the Provost suspend or expel the student from the University. However, a student who failed to appeal or abandoned his/her appeal at the College/School Board hearing may not appeal to the University Academic Integrity Hearing Board.
- The appeal must be in writing and must be filed with the Provost within 10 business days of the date of the Dean’s decision letter.
- The Provost or designee will appoint and charge a University Academic Integrity Hearing Board to conduct the hearing. The Hearing Board will be comprised of three members. One member must be a student and one of the other members will act as Hearing Board Chair. The hearing shall follow the procedures set forth in the Student Code of Conduct Procedures, except that the College/School will take the role of the Dean of Students and the Provost or designee will take the role of the Senior Vice President for Educational Outreach and Student Services.
- Anyone with a good faith basis to believe that an ASU alumnum has engaged in Academic Dishonesty may report the alleged violation to the Office of the University Provost.
- The Provost’s designee will investigate and make an initial determination as to whether there is a sufficient basis to believe that the alumnum engaged in Academic Dishonesty and whether the appropriate sanction includes degree or certificate revocation.
- If the Provost’s designee decides to initiate an Academic Dishonesty complaint, he/she will notify the alumnum of the allegations and provide the alumnum an opportunity to respond.
- The Dean of the College/School that awarded the degree or certificate may choose to convene an ad hoc committee to review the evidence and make a recommendation as to whether the alumnum engaged in Academic Dishonesty and the appropriate sanction.
- In cases not involving graduate students, after reviewing the evidence and committee recommendation, if any, the Dean of the College/School that awarded the degree or certificate will render a written decision as to whether the alumnum more likely than not engaged in Academic Dishonesty and the appropriate sanction.
- In cases involving graduate students, after reviewing the evidence and committee recommendation, if any, the Dean of Graduate College in consultation with the Dean of the College/School that awarded the graduate degree or certificate, will render a written decision as to whether the alumnum more likely than not engaged in Academic Dishonesty and the appropriate sanction.
- If the Dean recommends that the Provost revoke a degree or certificate, the letter from the Dean will state that the alumnum may appeal the recommendation by filing a written request for review with the Provost within 10 business days after the date the notification was sent.
- If the alumnum does not timely appeal, the Provost or designee will review the recommendation and issue a final decision.
- If the alumnum files a timely appeal, the Provost or designee will establish a University Academic Integrity Hearing Board to conduct the hearing. The hearing shall follow the procedures set forth in the Student Disciplinary/Grievance Procedures, except that the College/School will take the role of the Dean of Students and the Provost will take the role of the Senior Vice President for Educational Outreach and Student Services.
- The XE grade will be recorded on the student's official and unofficial transcript with the notation
“failure due to academic dishonesty.” The XE grade shall be treated in the same way as an E for the purposes of grade point average and determination of academic standing. - No student with an XE grade on his/her transcript shall be permitted to represent the University in any extracurricular activity or to run for or hold office in any recognized student organization.
- Generally, the XE grade will remain on the transcript permanently. For other cases, after at least 12 months have elapsed since the XE grade was imposed, the student may file a written petition to the Dean to have the XE grade removed and replaced with an E grade. The decision to remove the XE grade and replace it with an E grade is within the discretion and judgment of the Dean.
- Before replacing an XE grade with an E grade, the Dean may confer with other University officials and may require the student to attest that he/she has not been involved in any other act of academic dishonesty or similar disciplinary offense at ASU or another institution. If the student's representation is later discovered to be false, the Dean may reinstate the XE grade and recommend suspension or expulsion.
- If any student work affected by the finding of Academic Dishonesty has been placed in the library or forwarded to a third party in partial fulfillment of degree requirements, that work may be removed from the library or withdrawn from the third party.
- A student’s official and unofficial transcript may reflect that an XE grade, suspension from the university, expulsion from the university, or degree or certificate revocation was the result of Academic Dishonesty.
- One year after the completion of a suspension for Academic Dishonesty, a student may petition to have the notation of suspension for Academic Dishonesty removed from his or her transcript. The student must submit a written petition to the Provost which summarizes his or her academic and personal history since the suspension which justifies removing the notation. The decision to remove the notation that the student was suspended for Academic Dishonesty is within the sole discretion and judgment of the Provost.
- A notation of expulsion from the university or degree or certificate revocation resulting from Academic Dishonesty is permanent.
- A degree may be revoked if its requirements were not adequately fulfilled.
- If a degree is revoked and a transcript was forwarded to another institution, ASU will notify the institution of the revocation.
The University’s Misconduct in Research Policy is independent of the Student Academic Integrity Policy and the Guidelines for Graduate Appeals. Individual conduct may also violate and be subject to review and sanctions under these policies.