Curriculum development
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
General Studies Council Meeting
Time: 3:00–5:00 p.m.
Location: Ira A. Fulton Foundation Bldg. Room 2490 – 2nd floor
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Tuesday, March 24, 2009 GSC Meeting Minutes
3. Announcements
4. Subcommittee Reports
A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry
ASU: (new)
MKT 303 Honor's Marketing Theory & Practice*
REL 376 The Virgin Mary in History, Film & Culture
SSH 200 Food & Culture*
TEL 315 Child & Adolescence Development*
ASU: (Mandatory Review)
COM 308 Advanced Research Methods in Communication
DAH 301 Philosophy & Criticism of Dance
DAH 302 Cross-Cultural Dance Studies
KIN 460 Theory of Strength Trainning
MKT 302 Applied Marketing Management & Leadership
TWC 200 Impact Communication Technologies on Society*
TWC 301 General principles of Multimedia Writing*
TWC 347 Written Communication for Managers*
TWC 411 General Principles of Visual Communication*
TWC 421 Principles of writing with Technology*
B. Mathematical Studies
ASU: (Mandatory Review)
DAN 323 Dance, Computers and Multimedia
C. Humanities and Fine Arts
ASU: (new)
FMS 468 Crime and violence in american Film
MHL 437 Music in the 17th Century
REL 376 The Virgin Mary in History, Film & Culture
ASU: (Mandatory Review)
IAP 201 Intrioduction to Interdisciplinary Arts & Performance
MCCCD: (new)
HIS 108 United states History 1945 to Present
HIS 113 History of Eastern Civilization to 1850
HIS 114 History of Eastern Civilization 1850 to Present
D. Social and Behavioral Sciences
ASU: (new)
ASB 194 Anthropology: Understanding Human Diversity
ASM 275 Forensic Anthropology
BLE 335 Language Diversity in the Classrooom
SSH 200 Food & Culture (revised)
ASU: (Mandatory Review)
AFS 366 African Archeology: Precolonial Urban Culture
AFS 466 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
HST 391 Modern Southeast Asia
HST 432 Easter Europe and the Balkans in 20th Century
HST 436 THe Soviet Experiment
WST 390 Women and World Religions
WST 473 Latina/Chicana Representation
MCCCD: (new)
PSY 157 African/Black Psychology
E. Natural Sciences
F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
ASU: (Mandatory Review)
SWU 295 Foundation of Social Work Practice
MCCCD: (new)
PSY 157 African/Black Psychology
G. Global Awareness
ASU: (new)
ASB 194 Anthropology: Understanding Human Diversity
H. Historical Awareness
ASU: (Mandatory Review)
HST 423 Tudor Monarchy
HST 436 The Soviet Experiment
HST 452 Chinese Cultural History
HPS 330 History of Biology
5. Old Business
6. New Business
- Curriculum Change impact on General Studies (Ron Dorn and Kathy Wigal)
7. Adjournment