Attention please: The manual is under revision, please email to obtain a current copy. -UPRA Office, April 23, 2024


Unit response to the site visit report

Once the site visit report is received, it will be reviewed and shared with the head of the academic unit under review and the dean.

The head of the unit should review and discuss the site visit report with the faculty and prepare a unit response report for the provost that addresses program strengths and deficiencies, faculty and student quality, resource needs, future plans, strategic initiatives, etc.

The unit response report should be submitted to the UPRA Office by the date specified in the memorandum accompanying transmission of the site visit report (usually three weeks after distribution of the site visit report).

Note: The unit response report will be shared with university officials as appropriate. The unit response and dean's response must be independent from each other, not a collaborative report.

Dean's and unit’s response to the site visit report

This should be a focused statement about the value derived from the review, any issues that arose, and the recommendations from the external reviewers. Please provide a bullet point list of each recommendation alongside the academic dean’s response to each. The dean’s report should be submitted to the UPRA Office by the date specified (usually three weeks after distribution of the site visit report).

Note: The unit response and dean’s summary should be independent reports.


Outline of the unit response report

I.  Introduction

Briefly review and respond to major strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities discussed in the site visit report.

II. Strategic plans to address concerns

A. Issue 1 (identify issue)

  • Proposed action, expected outcome
  • Cost and resource implications
  • Source of funds and resources
  • Benchmark and timeline for solution

B.  Issue 2 (identify issue)

  • Proposed action, expected outcome
  • Cost and resource implications
  • Source of funds and resources
  • Benchmark and timeline for solution

C.  Etc.

III. Additional information

Discuss any other program changes and developments related to the APR generally and the site visit report specifically.


The wrap-up phase will include an assessment of the site visit team’s findings and the unit’s response by university officials. This phase may also include a meeting with the head of the unit, the UPRA Officer, and the dean if there are concerns or if further clarification is deemed necessary before the final wrap-up of the APR.

Permanent record of the program review

The self-study report, site visit report, dean’s report to the Provost, unit response report, and any wrap up reports will be considered the permanent record of the APR process and stored electronically with the UPRA Office.

A summary report prepared by the UPRA Office will be forwarded to the Arizona Board of Regents.