Curriculum Development

Curriculum development

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

General Studies Council Meeting


Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Fulton Center (FULTN) Room 2490 (Tempe)
Conference Call-in number: (720) 279-0026 or Toll Free (877) 820-7831
Participant Passcode: 485022  


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes - February 3, 2015

3. Announcements

4. Old Business
Vote on Mathematical Studies Subcommittee report from November 25, 2014 GSC meeting. 

5. New Business
Discuss Chair and Vice-Chair Election Sabbatical/Teaching Conflicts for 2015-2016 AY

6. Subcommittee Reports

A. Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)

From ASU:

CHI/SLC 336/HST 386 Interpreting China's Classics (Mandatory Review)
CIS 440 Systems Design and Electronic Commerce (Mandatory Review)
CSE 486 Computer Science Capstone Project II (Mandatory Review)
EEE 488 Senior Design Laboratory I (Mandatory Review)
ENG 472 Rhetorical Studies (Mandatory Review)
HST 352 Europe's Reformations (Mandatory Review)
IND/GRA/MGT 465 Collaborative Design Development II (Mandatory Review)
NTR 351 Nutrition and Health Communications (Mandatory Review)
REL 321 Religion in America (Mandatory Review)
SOC 334 Technology and Society (Mandatory Review)
SPA 428 Spanish American Literature (Mandatory Review)  

From MCCCD: none

B. Mathematical Studies (MA/CS)

From ASU:

ABS 350 Applied Statistics (CS) (Mandatory Review)
CPI 111 Game Development I (CS) (Mandatory Review)
CSE 180 Computer Literacy (CS) (Mandatory Review)
PHI 319 Philosophy, Computing and Artificial Intelligence  (Mandatory Review)

From MCCCD: none

C. Humanities, Arts and Design (HU)

From ASU:

AIS 320 American Indian Philosophies and World Views
CHI/HST/SLC 451 Chinese Cultural History I (Mandatory Review)
DCE 402 Ethnography of Dance Practices (Mandatory Review)
GPH 314 Global Change (Mandatory Review)
SPA 428 Spanish American Literature   

From MCCCD: none  

D. Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB)

From ASU:

CHI/HST/SLC 451 Chinese Cultural History I (Mandatory Review)
HST 109 United States to 1865 (Mandatory Review)
HST 352 Europe's Reformations (Mandatory Review)
HST 406 American Revolution/1763-1789 (Mandatory Review)
SOC 352 Social Change (Mandatory Review)
SOC 391/FAS 361 Research Methods (Mandatory Review)
WST 473 Indigenous and Latina/Chicana Representation (Mandatory Review)  

From MCCCD: none  

E. Natural Sciences (SQ/SG)

From ASU:

ABS/BIO 130 Introduction to Environmental Science (SQ) (Mandatory Review)
MSE/PHS 208 Patterns in Nature (SQ) (Mandatory Review)
PHY 150 Physics I (SQ) (Mandatory Review)
PHY 151 Physics II (SQ) (Mandatory Review)

From MCCCD: none

F. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) 

From ASU:

AIS 320 American Indian Philosophies and World Views
AIS 394 Entrepreneurship for American Indian Sustainability
ENG 334 The American Southwest in Literature and Film (Mandatory Review)
TWC 454 Information Technology and Culture  (Mandatory Review)  

From MCCCD: none  

G. Global Awareness (G)

From ASU:

AIS 320 American Indian Philosophies and World Views
AIS 480 Actualizing Decolonization
CHI/SLC 335/HPS 325/HST 385 History of Chinese Medicine (Mandatory Review)
DCE 201 Dance, Culture, and Global Contexts (Mandatory Review)
DCE 402 Ethnography of Dance Practices (Mandatory Review)
GCU/SBS 351 Population Geography
GPH 210 Society and Environment (Mandatory Review)
GPH 314 Global Change (Mandatory Review)
GPH 381 Geography of Natural Resources (Mandatory Review)
LPH 310 History of Landscape Architecture (Mandatory Review)

From MCCCD: none

H. Historical Awareness (H)

From ASU:

AIS 320 American Indian Philosophies and World Views
CHI/SLC 335/HPS 325/HST 385 History of Chinese Medicine (Mandatory Review)
CHI/SLC 336/HST 386 Interpreting China's Classics (Mandatory Review)
CHI/HST/SLC 451 Chinese Cultural History I (Mandatory Review)
ENG 221 Survey of English Literature
HST 409 Emergence Modern U.S. 1877-1918 (Mandatory Review)
LPH 310 History of Landscape Architecture (Mandatory Review)
PHI 328 History of Ancient Philosophy (Mandatory Review)
PUP 200 Cities in Cinema (Mandatory Review)
REL 310 Western Religious Traditions (Mandatory Review)
REL 372 Formation of the Christian Tradition (Mandatory Review) 

From MCCCD: none

7. Adjournment
