Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct: Core Component 2.D
2.D - Core Component 2.D
The institution is committed to freedom of expression and the pursuit of truth in teaching and learning.
2.D. A commitment to protect the responsible exercise of free speech and academic freedom is found in ABOR Policy 5-303, Bullet 11, and sets forth for university employees and campus visitors a set of prohibited types of conduct, which includes “intentionally and substantially interfering with the freedom of expression of others on the university campus or at a university-sponsored activity.” ABOR-approved Academic Affairs policy ACD 201 states “academic freedom is the right of every faculty member, academic professional, and other employees and students while engaged in teaching and/or research.” The same policy directs that “the pursuit and communication of knowledge at ASU are to be free from restrictions and include respect for the right of all to search for truth and knowledge without obstruction or restraint, the right of all to attempt to persuade by reasoned argument or peaceful processes, and the right of all to form judgments based on full and free exploration, exposition, and discussion.”
The faculty and academic professional Code of Ethics requires academic personnel to promote the free pursuit of learning by students and to protect student academic freedom, and forbids retaliatory actions by any academic personnel toward that student based on the content of that speech or for any arbitrary or personal reason. ASU's Policy Statement Supporting Diversity and Free Speech states that ASU is committed to maintaining hospitable educational, residential, and working environments that permit students and employees to pursue their goals without substantial interference from harassment. The Policy Statement Supporting Diversity and Speech also establishes a Committee for Campus Inclusion (CCI) (now present on each campus), whose mission is to “(1) create and maintain a civil and just campus environment that values diversity, (2) promote respect for all individuals regardless of their status, (3) protect free speech and academic freedom, and (4) promote the pursuit of individual goals without interference from discriminatory harassment.” As an advisory committee to the President, the responsibilities of the CCI include monitoring freedom of expression.
All ASU employees are responsible for complying with university and ABOR internal control policies in the practice of their research activities. ABOR Policies 5-301 through 5-308 define the conduct expected, and the sanctions provided if those policies are not followed. ACD 204-01 specifies the Code of Ethics for faculty and academic professionals and also provides ethical standards for the responsible conduct of scholarly work.