Curriculum development
Academic planning cycle
2026-2027 Academic Planning Cycle
Process and Instructions
The academic planning process is designed to initiate any of the following actions:
- establish a degree, minor, concentration or certificate program, or a department, division, school or college
- rename a degree, minor, concentration or certificate program, or a department, division, school or college
- disestablish a degree, minor, concentration or certificate program, or a department, division, school or college
- move a degree, minor, concentration or certificate
Step 01: Units may submit Academic Plan proposals for the 2026-2027 plan in Kuali Curriculum Management starting January 21, 2025.
- Go to https://asu.kuali.co/cm/ to submit academic plan requests.
- Contact curriculumplanning@asu.edu with any questions.
- Access to Kuali can be requested via this form.
Internal college or school review — Submissions that pass the college internal review must be moved to the next Kuali Curriculum Management approval level, AP Office of the University Provost Review, by the dean or the dean's designee by Friday May 2, 2025.
Assessment Plans — For degrees requiring ABOR approval, you will be notified if your program is selected to move forward to the ABOR assessment plan stage. ABOR assessment plans are due to the University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness no later than July 31st. Final drafts are due August 29, 2025.
Please note: An assessment plan is required in advance of ASU governance review for any new degree, concentration or certificate. Assessment plans are not needed for minors, unless specifically requested. New degrees require an initial assessment plan summary created for ABOR review and approval.
Step 02: Provost Gonzales will review all submissions and will pass forward any proposals that require Arizona Board of Regents approval. Units should expect this process to take approximately six months.
Step 03: Outcomes will be communicated by email to the academic deans. Approvals given during this process should be considered approval to plan for future implementation.
Step 04: Once approved, academic plan items must be submitted as proposals to pass through the following steps prior to implementation, as outlined on the Approval Process Matrix:
- Development of full implementation proposal and submission in Kuali (CM for program establishments, Build for all other actions).
- University Graduate Council (graduate programs only) or Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (undergraduate programs only) review and approval
- University Senate and CAPC review
- Provost's final approval
Approved actions must be implemented within three years. The effective date will be determined by the date of final approval following university governance.
New programs or changes approved as part of the academic plan may not be implemented or advertised until the Provost’s Office or Graduate College notifies the academic unit of final approval.
ABOR Assessment Plans
The assessment plan produced for programs requiring ABOR review and approval will now be a summary of the full plan. The summary will be required in advance of ABOR review of the proposed academic plan. The full UOEEE assessment plan is due at the time the program is proposed for implementation and university governance review/approval. The following items will be required for the ABOR assessment plan:
- program learning outcomes
- concepts
- competencies
- assessment process and measures summary
The assessment process and measures summary should include:
- Student artifacts: The student artifact used for data collection and what class it is coming from
- Tool or instrument: The type of tool or instruments being used (e.g., a rubric, survey, exam).
- Process: The steps describing how the assessment will take place.
- Continuous improvement: A single statement that explains the data will be used for continuous improvement.
The assessment process and measures can be somewhat general. There’s no need to identify course numbers or subjects as you may not have those identified, and performance criteria and rubric dimensions or scales are not required at this time.
You will submit the ABOR assessment plan in the UOEEE portal, where you may receive feedback or questions on the summary.
Note: Graduate degrees require one of the learning outcomes to be related to the culminating experience (thesis, dissertation, applied project, etc.), and the program’s core also needs representation in the outcomes. For example, the core and/or culminating experience should be used as student artifacts, although they may be referred to as course areas or general proposed titles. (Ex. “the statistics core course” or “Statistics for Research Administrators course.”
Considerations when preparing an Academic Plan submission
Writing Style
Write for an intelligent audience that is external to ASU, using formal voice. Do not use first-person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us). Also avoid the use of acronyms, except when referring to common degree types (MA, BS, PhD). If an acronym is required, first define the acronym and use the abbreviation thereafter.
Additional Resources/ University Funds
ABOR now requires that submissions include an estimate of personnel and infrastructure requirements of the proposed program. In addition, to request university funds to implement a change (new faculty, new academic or office space, renovations, capital equipment), complete the Academic Plan Resources form to document the need.
Program Fees
Newly proposed program fees must be reviewed and approved through the current budget and tuition/fee approval process. Contact Gregory Cleveland, Associate Vice President of Academic Budget and Finance, to begin these discussions. Indicate in the Kuali submission whether the new program will fall under an existing fee structure or it will be a newly proposed fee. A justification for the estimated fee amount is required and will be sent to ABOR for review. The Undergraduate College Fee should not be reported as a program fee. This is a change from previous years.
Market Need
Submit an analysis of the job and career market need for proposals related to a degree, minor, concentration, certificate or new unit. Specifically address the following points, including statistics, data and source attributions: intended careers, job market and comparable academic programs (at other institutions). When appropriate, provide a citation that documents the employment demand, and the ability of the institution to meet employment needs as claimed in the market need section.
Assessment Plans
ABOR assessment plans are required for new degrees only. Submit the ABOR assessment plans for new degrees directly to the University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness via the Assessment Portal by July 31.
A full UOEEE assessment plan is required in advance of ASU governance review for any new degree, concentration or certificate. Assessment plans are not needed for minors.
Direct any questions to assessment@asu.edu or 480-727-1731.
Digital Immersion
Indicate whether the unit intends to request digital immersion on the Academic Plan request. For new programs, the academic plan request acts as the consideration request for approval to offer the program digitally. In order to offer existing programs via digital immersion, separate consideration approval is required; this is managed by EdPlus and does not require ABOR approval. To request an online offering of an existing degree, complete the Request for Digital Immersion. Direct any questions to EdPlus program management.
Avoid Duplicate Submissions
Approved actions have a three-year lifespan, allowing time to implement them. To verify previously approved submissions that have not yet been implemented, please see the following tracking documents:
Degree Program Implementation Tracking (Google Doc)
Concentration, Minor and Certificate Implementation Tracking (Google Doc)
or visit Kuali Curriculum Management
Tools such as Lightcast might be used to provide the market need analysis. Other resources such as Burning Glass, Bureau of Labor Statistics website, and professional organization publications, among others, may be useful as well. Contact your dean's office for questions regarding workforce data tools available via license.
Free resource for Market Need analysis
The Office of the University Provost and the Graduate College have offered best practice workshops to provide practical advice and tips on new academic plan program proposals.
Need help? Contact us
General questions should be directed to curriculumplanning@asu.edu
Other questions should be directed as indicated below:
- Graduate programs — Elizabeth Wentz
- Undergraduate programs — Anne Jones
- Organizational changes — Anne Jones
- Assessment plans — assessment@asu.edu
- Program fees — Gregory Cleveland
- Digital immersion — edplusprogrammanagement@asu.edu
- Centers or institutes — centers-institutes@asu.edu